
Inuktut Sort descending Content Type English
aattuq- verb root to cut/skin an animal
agguqsimajuq verb root + affix/ending It has been cut into pieces; it has been divided.
aivvattuq (aivvaktuq) verb root + affix/ending he catches a walrus
allu (aglu) noun root breathing hole for a seal
allusiuqtuq (aglusiuqtuq) verb root + affix/ending he searches for seals’ breathing holes
angunasuk- verb root to hunt
angunasutti (angunasukti) noun root + affix/ending a hunter
angunasuttuq (angunasuktuq) verb root + affix/ending he goes hunting
annai- verb root to lose a catch; when an animal escapes a hunter
annaijara verb root + affix/ending I missed it (gun shot); It got away on me.
annaijuq verb root + affix/ending he missed his shot; something got away from him
aqiggiqsiuqtuq stem + verb ending He goes ptarmigan hunting.
asivaq- verb root to go hunting
asivaqti noun root + affix/ending a hunter
atausirmik tuttuttuminiq He got one caribou.
igimaq noun root a spear used for hunting
illuinnaaqtuut noun root gun
iqalliaq- verb root to go fishing
iqalliaqpattunga verb root + affix/ending I usually go fishing.
maqait- verb root to be away hunting
maqaitti noun root + affix/ending a hunter
mauliqtuq verb root + affix/ending he hunts seals at their breathing holes
mikigiarniaqti stem + noun ending trapper
miluqpaa verb root + affix/ending He hit it with a rock (bird, etc.)
nanniaq- to hunt polar bear
nanniaqtuq verb root + affix/ending he is hunting polar bear
nannuk- verb root to catch a polar bear
nannukautigijuq verb root + affix/ending He caught a polar bear right away.
nanuraq noun root polar bear fur
natsiq- (nattiq-) verb root to catch a seal
Natsiqsimalluta sijjamut tulalauqtugut. Having caught some seals, we went to shore.
natsiqtuq verb root + affix/ending He caught a seal.
natsirasugiuqtuq verb root + affix/ending He is going seal hunting for the first time.
natsirasuk- (nattirasuk-) verb root to go seal hunting
natsirmik pilattuq (nattirmik pilaktuq) He butchers a seal.
naulik- verb root to hit with a harpoon
ningiqtuq verb root + affix/ending he gets a share of the meat; he brings meat home from someone else’s catch
pilak- verb root to butcher an animal
pilattuq verb root + affix/ending he butchers an animal
pilaut noun root butchering knife
pisik- verb root shoot an arrow
puukammak noun root hunting man's bag
qilalugaq- to catch a beluga
qilalugaqtuq verb root + affix/ending he caught a beluga
qilalukkiaqtut verb root + affix/ending They hunt beluga.
qinni- verb root to cache meat
qinniq (qingniq) noun root cached meat
qinnisimajut verb root + affix/ending They were cached.
qukiq- verb root + affix/ending to shoot something
qukiqqiuk? (qukiqpiuk?) verb root + affix/ending Did you hit it?
qukiqtara verb root + affix/ending I hit it (rifle shot).
qukiut noun root rifle
siqiak- verb root to squeeze out the liquid from the intestines
taluaq noun root blind for hunting (especially seals on the ice)
tumiit noun root animal tracks; foot prints
tumisiaqqit? verb root + affix/ending Did you see tracks?
tuttuliaq- (tuktuliaq-) verb root to go caribou hunting
tuttuliaqsimavat? stem + verb ending Are they out caribou hunting?
tuttuliaqtuq (tuktuliaqtuq) verb root + affix/ending he is hunting caribou
tuttumik aattuqtuq he cuts/skins a caribou
tuttuniqqat? (tuktuniqpat?) verb root + affix/ending Did they get caribou?
tuttuttuq verb root + affix/ending He got a caribou.
tuukkaq noun root a harpoon head for whales
ujjugasugiaq- verb root to go hunting bearded eal
ujjuk- (ugjuk-) verb root to catch a bearded seal
ujjuttuq (ugjuktuq) verb root + affix/ending he catches a bearded seal
ukaliq- verb root to catch a hare
ukaliqtuq verb root + affix/ending he catches a hare
ukalliaqtuq verb root + affix/ending he goes hunting for hare
uliutiik noun root tendon
uumajuqsiurvik noun root an area where wildlife is hunted