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amautta nunaminaapinga our great-grandparents’ old camp site 
ikumat noun root matches
illuralaaq noun root cabin
ittaq noun root (1) a skin tent (2) a time long ago
kikłu noun root cooking rack; platform or stones for placing pots above a fire
nuqarut noun root a rope for securing a tent
patiujaq noun root candle
piruq noun root a rock used to secure a tent
puuq noun root bag; sack; sleeping bag 
qanaq noun root tent frame
savikkuvik noun root grub box
sinivvik noun root sleeping bag
supuujuq noun root camp stove
tupiq noun root tent
tupirvik stem + noun ending a place for pitching tents
tuqqiqtuq verb root the tent frame falls
tuuqtuq verb root he/she chisels ice
ukiivik noun root wintering place
upirngijut verb root + affix/ending they camp through spring
upirngivik noun root spring camp