
Inuktut Sort descending Content Type English
anu noun root dog harness 
aqua noun root the stern of a boat
aqut- verb root to drive a car or boat
aquti noun root driver; pilot
aulautit noun root outboard motor 
aullaq- verb root to depart; to travel
aullaqsimajuq verb root + affix/ending He/she is out of town.
aullaqtittiji noun root outfitter
aullatiit noun root hunting/traveling dogs
Ikaaqtut sikukkut. They are crossing over the ice.
illuralaattinnut noun root + affix/ending to our cabin
ingiullinngujuq verb root + affix/ending He is airsick or seasick during rough travel.
iparaq- verb root to whip (a dog)
iparaut noun root dog whip
ipiutaq noun root dog trace; harness line
ipuut noun root paddle; oar
isuraqtujuq noun root lead dog (on a team)
kaligaq stem + noun ending a trailer (something that is towed)
kalik- verb root to tow something
kaluut noun root hitch (qamutiik) 
kisaq- verb root to anchor a boat
kisaqsimajuq verb root + affix/ending it is anchored 
kisaut noun root anchor
kuukkuuqsimajuq noun root + affix/ending He/she/it is on the other side of the river (having crossed it).
mivvik noun root airport; landiing strip
napu noun root wooden cross-bar of qamutiik
niu- verb root to get off/out of a vehicle
niurai- verb root to unload
nunakkuurut noun root car; vehicle
nunasiuq- verb root to drive a car
nunasiut noun root car
parnatsimajuq (parnaksimajuq) verb root + affix/ending He/she is prepared to travel.
parnattuq (parnaktuq) verb root + affix/ending he/she prepares for a trip
pirraak noun root qamutiik runners
pituk- verb root to hitch/connect something
pituksimajuq verb root + affix/ending It is hitched.
qajaq noun root kayak
qamutaujajuvisi stem + verb ending Did you go by snowmobile?
qamutaujaq noun root snowmobile
qamutiik noun root qamutiik; sled 
qangatasuuq stem + noun ending airplane
qangattaut noun root airline ticket 
Qimuksikkut angirrarasuqujaulluni. They wanted him to go home by dogteam.
qimuksit noun root dog team
saaviqatiga stem + noun ending the person I departed by boat with
saavit- verb root to launch a boat
sikituuq noun root snowmobile
sivua noun root bow of a boat 
tingirraut noun root sailboat
tukkarialik noun root bicycle
tulak- verb root to land a boat
tulattavik stem + noun ending a place to land or launch a boat; breakwater
umiaq noun root boat
umiiri- verb root to beach a boat
uqsak- verb root to fill up something with fuel
uqsiq noun root dog harness toggle
usi- verb root to have cargo