
Inuktut Sort descending Content Type English
aik noun root her sister’s husband; his wife’s sister
aippaq noun root partner / common-law 
airaapik noun root in-law of the opposite sex
ajak noun root maternal aunt
akkak noun root paternal uncle
aliqaq noun root older sister of a young male
amauq noun root great-grandparent
amauqpaaq noun root great-great-grandparent 
amautta noun root + affix/ending our great grandparent
anaana noun root mother
anaanakkukka noun root + affix/ending my mother's family
anaanatsiaq noun root grandmother
angajuk (angijuk) noun root older sibling
angak noun root maternal uncle (mother's brother)
angijuk (angajuk) noun root older sibling (same sex)
angijuqqaaq noun root parent; person of authority
angijurnguq noun root a relative of the same sex who is older than you who is your spouse’s sibling’s spouse. 
angijuttiq noun root an older sibling
angutiqatik noun root cousin (fathers are brothers)
angutitsaq noun root fiancé
anik noun root brother of a female
anngakuluk   noun root her brother's child
anngaq noun root female's brother's child (neice/nephew)
arnaksaq noun root an adoptive mother; step-mother
arnarvik noun root maternal aunt
ataata noun root father
ataatakkutinni noun root + affix/ending at my father’s place
ataatatsiaq noun root grandfather
attak noun root paternal aunt
ila noun root relative; family member; a part of something
ilajaariitigut noun root + affix/ending our family
ilajaat noun root family members
ilakka noun root + affix/ending my family/my relatives
illuarjuga noun root + affix/ending my little cousin
illuq noun root cousin (parents of the opposite sex)
iluliq noun root a great-grandchild
ittuq noun root grandfather; old man
kinguvaangit noun root + affix/ending his/her/their descendants
kinguvaaq noun root a descendant
najak noun root sister of a male
ningauk noun root son-in-law; also brother-in-law of a male 
ningiuq noun root grandmother/old woman
nuaq noun root niece/nephew (female's sister's child)
nukaq noun root younger sibling (same sex)
nukaqtiqpaaq noun root the youngest
nukaurnguq noun root a relative of the same sex who is younger than you who is your spouse’s sibling’s spouse. 
nuliaq noun root wife
panik noun root daughter
qangiaq noun root niece/nephew (a male's sister's child)
qatanngut noun root sibling
sakiaq noun root her husband’s sister; his wife’s brother 
sakik noun root parent(s)-in-law
sakikkutinni noun root + affix/ending at my in-law's
sakippaaq noun root grand-parent-in-law
sivuliq noun root ancestor
tiguaq noun root an adopted child
uik noun root husband
ujuruk noun root niece/nephew (male's sister's child)
ukuaq noun root daughter-in-law; also sister-in-law of a female