Imaq, tasirlu, kuullu

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ikiq noun root narrow passage / strait 
imaaq- verb root to fall into a body of water
imaq noun root water; sea
ingirraniq noun root (moving water) current
ingiulittuq verb root + affix/ending There are large swells.
ingiulittuq Iingiuliktuq) verb root + affix/ending large swells (ocean); rough waters
isuqtuq noun root muddy unclear water
itijuq verb root + affix/ending The water is deep.
kangiqtuk noun root inlet; fiord
kuugalaak noun root creek; stream
kuuk noun root river
kuuk- verb root to flow (water)
malliqtuq verb root + affix/ending It is wavy (ocean).
naluk- verb root to dive into the water
piturnivik noun root tide at full moon 
qagaaq- verb root the motion of whitecaps forming on water
qagaaqtuq verb root + affix/ending There are whitecaps.
qamaniq noun root widening within the river
qisuk noun root fog that forms over open water in winter; “sea smoke"
qurlurniq noun root waterfall
sijjaq noun root water's edge (land, ice)
sinaa noun root water's edge; floe edge
tajjaaraq- verb root waves on the shore on a calm day
tariuq noun root ocean; sea; salt
tasiarjuk noun root pond
tasilimmut noun root + affix/ending to where there is a lake
tasiq noun root lake
tasiujaq noun root bay
tininngajuq verb root + affix/ending It is low tide.
tinit- verb root the motion of the tide going out
ulinngappat verb root + affix/ending when it gets to high tide
ulippat verb root + affix/ending when the tide is full
ulit- verb root 1. the motion of the tide rising 2. to be inside out