
Inuktut Sort descending Content Type English
aki- location/position across from something or someone
akiani location/position across; on the other side (of a river, lead, bay, etc.)
akittinniittuq location/position it is across from us
akulliq noun root the one in the middle, the midmost one
akunni- location/position the space between two objects
akunniani location/position between two things
ataa- location/position under
ataaniittuq location/position It is underneath.
ati- location/position underneath
atinniittuq location/position It is underneath me.
avani location/position away over there
avva! location/position There it is over there!
ikani location/position right over there
ikka! location/position There it is right there!
illuup qulaanittuq location/position It is above the house.
Illuup saanganiittuq. location/position It is at the front of the building.
Illuup tunuaniittuq location/position It is at the back of the house.
ilu- location/position inside
iluaniittuq location/position It is inside of something.
itivia- location/position over a hill/mountain
itiviani location/position over a hill/mountain
kanani location/position down here in this spot
kanna! location/position Here it is down here!
kingu- location/position at the back/end; in the next or last position
Kipuup ataaniittuq. location/position It is undeneath the table.
kitaani location/position on the open sea
kiungassiaq just outside
maani location/position around here
majja! location/position Here it is here! (general area)
mauna location/position around here (general area)
nalaa location/position in its vicinity
nalaa- location/position something that is along a direct line between a person and a fixed point
nalaani location/position towards or in the direction of something that is along a stright line
nalimut- verb root to be at the same level or hight
namiippit? location/position Where are you?
naugli (naulli) interrogative where is...?
naukkut? interrogative through where?/by what means?
naulli (naugli)? interrogative Where is…?
paani location/position up there
pagga! location/position There it is up there!
pauna location/position through this area up here
pikani location/position up here in this spot
qaanganiittuq location/position It is on top of him/her/it/them.
qaaq- location/position on top
qanigi- verb root to be close to something
qanit- adjective root to be near; close
qanittuq adjective root + affix/ending It is close by; something close
qatsit- (qattik-) adjective root to be in a high place; prominent
qitiraq- verb root to be half-way
qulaa noun root the top
qulaaniittut location/position It is above him/her/it/them.
qulinninngaaqtuq location/position It came from above me.
quttittuq adjective root a high place
saa- location/position at the front of
Saali tununnut ijiqtuq. Charlie hid behid you.
saanniittuq location/position It is in front of me.
sani- location/position beside
saniani location/position beside him/her/it/them
sanianit location/position from the space beside him/her/it/them
sanianut location/position to the space beside him/her/it/them
saninni location/position
saninniittuq location/position It is beside me.
saninnit location/position from the space beside me
saninnut location/position to the space beside me
sanissinni location/position beside you (dual, plural)
sanissinnit location/position from the space beside you (dual, plural)
sanissinnut location/position to the space beside you (dual, plural)
sanittinni location/position beside us
sanittinnit location/position from the space beside us
sanittinnut location/position to the space beside us
silataa- location/position outside
sinaani location/position at the edge of something
sinaaniittuq stem + verb ending it’s at the edge of something
sivik noun root the distance between two points
sivikittuq location/position It is a short distance; it is a short amount of time
sivulliq noun root the one that is most forward; the one in front; the first one
sivuraa– location/position in front of an object
sivuraq- location/position to be in front of something
sulataani location/position outside of something
taava- location/position there
taika- location/position there
taikaniippa? location/position Is he/she there?
takki- location/position out there
tamaanili location/position (and) around here
tauna- (taungna) location/position down there (general area)
taunaniittuq location/position It is down there.
tauva location/position there
tauvaniittuq location/position It is over there.
tavva location/position here in this spot
tavvauna location/position Here it is!
tungaliq noun root the next one
tungilia the next one 
tunu- location/position at the back of something
tununniittuq location/position It is behind me.
tununninngaaqtuq location/position It came from behind me.
ugga! location/position There it is down there!
unani location/position down around here
ungalliq location/position the far one; the farthest one
ungasigi- verb root to be far from something
ungataa- location/position on the far side of something; beyond
ununga location/position to that area down there
uvani location/position right here in this spot
uvaniittuq location/position It is right here.
uvva location/position here (you go)