
Inuktut Sort descending Content Type English
aggualaqisaaq noun root stew
akut- verb root to mix something
aluk noun root traditional desert made with creamed caribou fat and berries
aqiattuq- verb root to be full
aqittujaaq noun root porridge
aqqiattuq- verb root to be full from eating
ariumajara verb root + affix/ending I am tired of eating that.
igaaq noun root meat cooked in the over over an open fire
iggut noun root napkin
igunaq noun root fermented walrus meat
imigaksaq noun root juice
imigaq noun root pop; something to drink
imigatsajaq noun root juice
imiq noun root drinking water
imiq- verb root to drink something
immuk noun root milk
ingulaq- verb root to stir
ingut- verb root to mix ingredients
jaa noun root jam
kaapi noun root coffee
kajjaarama iqaluminirmik verb root + affix/ending I am craving char.
kikkaq noun root bones with meat
kikkaq- verb root to feast on caribou bones
kiksaut noun root fat from the lining of caribou stomach
kiksautiguktunga stem + verb ending I’m craving kiksaut.
kukuguktunga stem + verb ending I am craving chocolate.
kukuk noun root chocolate
mamaq- verb root to have a pleasant taste
mamarijara verb root + affix/ending It tastes good to me.
mannik noun root egg
mikigaq noun root raw meat
mikku (nikku) noun root dried meat
misiraq noun root dipping oil (condiment)
natsiminiq noun root + affix/ending seal meat
nikku (mikku) noun root dried meat
nikkuguktut stem + verb ending They are craving dried caribou meat.
niqaiq- verb root to run out of food
niqi noun root food; meat
niqtiuq- verb root to cook
niqtiuqtuq verb root + affix/ending He/she is cooking.
niri- verb root to eat
nirivigjuaq- verb root to feast
nunivattuq verb root + affix/ending He/she is picking berries.
nutaaminiq noun root fresh meat
palaugaaq noun root bannock
papa noun root pepper
pitsi (pitti) noun root dried fish
punnirniq noun root boiled caribou fat (hardened) 
puvallaqqut noun root baking powder
qajuq noun root broth 
qalak- verb root to take uujuq out of the pot to serve
quaq noun root frozen meat
siqquq noun root aged seal flipper 
siva noun root biscuit
sukaq noun root sugar
sunamik (kisumik) uujuliurmat? verb root + affix/ending What meat is she boiling?
tii noun root tea
tivuksaq noun root berries to be mixed to the creamed fat
tunnuq noun root fat from a land animal
tuttuminiq noun root caribou meat; caribou after it has been killed
uruniq noun root intestines of ptarmigan and their conents
uugit noun root boiled meat
uujuq noun root boiled meat with broth