
Inuktut Sort descending Content Type English
ikkua pronoun those (3+) over there
ikkuak pronoun those two over there
ikkunanngat pronoun + ending from those ones over there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
ili- pronoun you (followed by a noun ending)
ilinnut (ilingnut) pronoun + ending to/for you
ilitsi (ilissi) pronoun you (3+)
ilitsik (ilissik) pronoun the two of you
ilitsinni (ilitsingni) pronoun + ending at your place
imanna pronoun this
inna (ingna) pronoun that one over there
itsuma (iksuma) pronoun + ending of that one over there
itsumani (iksumani) pronoun + ending in that one over there (object in motion, or in a general area)
itsumanngat (iksumanngat) pronoun + ending from that one over there (object in motion, or in a general area)
ivvit (igvit) pronoun you (1)
kakkua pronoun those (3+) down there
kakkunanngat pronoun + ending from those ones down there
kanna (kangna) pronoun that one down there
katuminga pronoun + ending that one down there
kina? interrogative who?
makua pronoun these ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
makuak pronoun these two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
manna pronoun this one (object in motion, or in a general area)
pakkua pronoun those ones up there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
panna (pangna) pronoun that one up there (object in motion, or in a general area)
piga pronoun + ending mine (something belonging to me)
piit pronoun + ending yours
pikkua pronoun those (3+) up here
pikkuak pronoun those two up here
pikkungnanngat pronoun + ending from these two up here
piksuma pronoun + ending of this one up here
piksumani pronoun + ending in this one up here
piksumanngat pronoun + ending from this one up here
pinga pronoun + ending his / hers
pingik pronoun + ending something belonging to the two of them
pingit pronoun + ending something belonging to them (3+)
pinna pronoun this one up here
pivuk pronoun + ending something belonging to the two of us
pivut pronoun + ending something belonging to us (3+)
taakkua pronoun those (3+)
taakkungninga pronoun + ending those two
taatsumuuna pronoun + ending through that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
tainna pronoun that one
takkikkua pronoun those outside
tamakkua pronoun those (3+)
tamakkuak pronoun those two
tamanna pronoun that one
tamarmikasak pronoun almost all of them
tanna pronoun that one
ukua pronoun these (3+)
ukuak pronoun these two
ukunani pronoun + ending in these ones
ukunanngat pronoun + ending from these (3+)
ukuninga pronoun + ending these people/things here (object of the verb)
ukutitunaq pronoun + ending like these ones
una noun root this one
uvaguk pronoun two of us
uvagut pronoun we (3+)
uvanga pronoun I; me
uvannut pronoun + ending to me
uvat- pronoun me
uvattinnit (uvattingnit) pronoun + ending from the two of us; than the two of us
uvattitut pronoun + ending like us