
Inuktut Sort descending Content Type English
atunngiqtuq noun root sewing on the soles of kamik
avasiq- verb root sewing up the holes
avvik (agvik) noun root scraping board
illiti- verb root to cut something (for tailoring)
inniaq noun root skin stretched to dry
inniq- verb root to stretch a skin to dry it
innirvik noun root drying rack for skins
inniutit noun root drying line
iqinninga noun root (sewing) gathered areas
iqpariikkutinga noun root (sewing) lines sewn across the gathered parts to keep in shape
irruq- verb root to rinse something
ivalu noun root sinew; thread
kiatsi- verb root to bleach a skin with hot water
kiattaq noun root dehaired sealskin
kiliuq- verb root to scrape something clean
kimmili- verb root to sew the heels
maaktalik noun root dark dehaired seal skin
majjak- verb root to scrape a sealskin clean
majjakaak noun root thining the edges of the soles
majjaksaalijugut verb root + affix/ending We cleaned the sealskin ahead of time.
mami noun root seal or caribou skin membrane
masaktittanga verb root + affix/ending She soaks it.
mingunniq noun root + affix/ending tending to raw sealskins (scraping, cleaning, etc.)
miqsuq- verb root to sew
miqsuut noun root sewing machine
nuvi- verb root to thread something (a needle, button, etc.)
nuviqsaq- verb root to knit
nuvisimajut verb root + affix/ending They have been threaded.
pannarissiq- verb root to dry the soles of kamiik after they've been sewn
pauktuutiit noun root pegs used for stretching an animal skin
qaaruviiqsijuq verb root + affix/ending she scrapes the membrane from a skin
qajjak- verb root to scrape fat off an animal skin
qalliniq noun root top of the foot on a kamik
qalunaaqtaq noun root sewing material
qataattiri- verb root to scrape the final membrane off seal skin
qisikkuvik noun root + affix/ending a place where sealskins are stored
qissiri- verb root to work on seal skin
qitummak- verb root to soften sealskins
qitummaksaijuq verb root + affix/ending She is working on softening skins.
quagjulik   noun root glover needle
sivunni- verb root to sew the front of the seal skin boots
tasiuktiq- verb root to stretch a dried seal skin
tittaliijjut noun root a mark to indicate where the sole will be sewn on
tukiq- verb root to kick/ also to stomp on seal skin to soften
uuttuqqitsaq noun root final cut of the pattern
uuttuut   noun root sewing pattern; ruler; measuring tape