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anuraaliujjau- verb root to be caught in heavy winds
anuraaliujjaujuq verb root + affix/ending He/she/it is caught in heavy winds.
anuraaq- verb root to be windy
anuri noun root the wind
anuri- verb root to be windy
ikullaq- verb root (weather) to clear; to calm
ikulliaq- verb root to be calm weather
ikulliaqtuq verb root + affix/ending There’s no wind.
maquk- verb root to rain
mini- verb root to drizzle (rain)
nataqqurnaq noun root hail
nillasuk- (niglasuk-) verb root to be cold weather
nitta- verb root weather with clear visibility
nittaittuq verb root + affix/ending There is (weather with) low visibility.
nuvuja noun root cloud
nuvuja- verb root to be cloudy
patuk noun root frost
patuk- verb root ice fog
piqsiq- verb root There are blizzard conditions.
qanniqtillugu verb root + affix/ending when it was snowing…
sila noun root weather; outdoors
Sila piuppat. If the weather is good.
silaluk- verb root to rain; to have bad weather
silalulauqtillugu verb root + affix/ending while it was raining...
silaqqiq- verb root to be clear skies
silaqqiqtuq verb root + affix/ending to be clear skies
siqinningittuq verb root + affix/ending It is not sunny.
siqinniq- verb root to be sunny
sunnait- verb root poor weather that makes travel impossible
sunnaittuq verb root + affix/ending stormy weather
tatsiq- (taksiq-, tassiq-) verb root to be foggy
uqquu- verb root to experience hot; to be hot weather