
Inuktut Sort descending Content Type English
aanniaq- verb root to be sick or in pain
aanniq- verb root to be injured
aariak noun root upper part of the back
aggat  noun root hand
aggaut noun root wrist
agliruq (alliruq) noun root jaw
aittauqtuq verb root + affix/ending She yawns.
ajuaq noun root boil; abcess; ulcer
alliruq (agliruq) noun root jaw
aluq noun root sole of the foot
anaut  noun root bowel 
aniqsaarit  noun root breath 
anirnikillisimaniq  noun root asthma 
anirniq noun root breath
aqqiaruq noun root stomach
arraaq  noun root placenta 
asiinnali- verb root to dislocate a joint
augiaq noun root blood clot 
auk noun root blood 
aunaaq- verb root to bleed
aunaaqtunga verb root + affix/ending I am bleeding. 
aupallaat noun root chickenpox; measles
igalaujaq noun root eardrum
iggiaq noun root throat
iijagaq noun root pill
iji noun root eye
ijjuqqaq  noun root blood clot 
ijjuuk  noun root testicles
ikkiq noun root gum (of the mouth)
ikusiillijuq stem + verb ending He injured his elbow.
ikusik noun root elbow
illiap paanga  noun root cervix 
illiaq  noun root uterus 
illuk- verb root to be snowblinded
immak- verb root to be infected
immatirniq stem + noun ending infection 
inalunnaq  noun root appendix (anatomny)
ingiq  noun root pelvis 
inugannguat noun root bones of the hands and toes
ippinniajjut noun root nerve
iqiik noun root corners of your mouth
iqiqquq noun root baby finger; pinky
iqisulik noun root curly hair
iqsaq noun root (anatomy) temple
iqtuk  noun root colon 
irnisunniq stem + noun ending labour (pregnancy)
irravit  noun root intestines 
isigat  noun root foot; feet 
itimak noun root palm of the hand
itiq noun root rectum/anus 
itiruq noun root urine
iviangiq noun root breast
kaak- verb root to be hungry
kaijjainiaqtuq  noun root migraine 
kajjiq noun root the top of the head
kakkik noun root mucous from the nose
kakkik- verb root to blow one's nose
kanaaq noun root shin
kiak- verb root to sweat
kiasik noun root shoulder blade
kigut noun root tooth
kii(si)- verb root to bite
kiinaq noun root face
kiliqtunga verb root + affix/ending I cut myself
killiq noun root cut; wound
kimmik noun root heel
kukik noun root finger nail
kullu noun root thumb
kumilaat  noun root eczema 
kuuttiq noun root hip bone
mait- verb root to feel pain
mamit- verb root to heal
mannguq noun root gum (of the mouth)
matsa  noun root spleen 
mattusiqtugu stem + verb ending Put a bandage on him/her
maunak noun root finger tips
mikiliraq noun root ring finger
milaarniq noun root fracture
miqquq noun root (human) body hair; animal hair
mirianngu- verb root to be nauseated
mirianngujunga verb root + affix/ending I feel nauseous.
miriaq noun root vomit
miriaq- verb root to vomit
mulik  noun root nipple 
naanngujunga stem + verb ending stomach ache (I have a)
naat noun root stomach
najjivit?  verb root + affix/ending Are you pregnant? 
nakasuk  noun root bladder 
nakatauniq  stem + noun ending amputation 
niaqunngu  noun root headache 
niaquq noun root head
nimak- verb root to be rolling in pain
niriliqtaq noun root uvula
niu noun root leg
nujat noun root hair
nukiiqtuq  noun root stroke 
nukik noun root muscle 
nuluq noun root buttock
nutinniq  noun root fracture
nuvak noun root mucus
nuvak- verb root to have a cold
pavvik noun root bones of the wrist or ankle
putuguq noun root toe 
puvaak  noun root lungs (2) 
puvviriniq  noun root bronchitis 
qalasiq noun root belly button 
qallu noun root eyebrow 
qanima- verb root to be ill
qanimalauqtunga verb root + affix/ending I was ill.
qaniq noun root mouth
qaqtu (qaqłu) noun root lower lip
qarasaq  noun root brain 
qatak- verb root to have diarrhea 
qauq noun root forehead
qiiq noun root white hair
qimiriat noun root eyelashes
qimirluk noun root spine
qingaijaqtunga stem + verb ending I have a cold nose.
qingaq noun root nose
qinnguq   noun root space between the eyebrows
qipinnguq noun root appendix (anatomny)
qiqinnikuujunga stem + verb ending I have frostbite.
qiqit- verb root to freeze a part of one's body; to be frostbitten
qitiqtiq noun root middle finger
qiu- verb root to experience cold
Qiuluamut uulippasaalirama. verb root + affix/ending I am so cold that I’m even shivering now.
qui- verb root to urinate
quiqsuq- verb root to cough
qungasiq noun root neck
qurrivik noun root uterus 
qutturaq noun root thigh
qutuk noun root collar bone
quviqtiq noun root cataract 
sauniinnaq  noun root skeleton
sauniq noun root bone
savvik noun root chest
siiqquq noun root knee
singirniq noun root ankle
siut(i) noun root ear
sivuat noun root front teeth
sunnguujaq noun root bruise 
surluuk  noun root nostrils 
taliq noun root arm
tallu noun root chin
tallukkiq noun root + affix/ending a person with a big chin
taqavit? verb root + affix/ending Are you tired?
taqpak noun root nostril
taqtu  noun root kidney 
tikiq noun root index finger/thimble
tilluujaq noun root bruise 
tilluujaqtuq verb root + affix/ending he/she/it is bruised
timi   noun root body
tinguk  noun root liver 
tui noun root shoulder
tulimaaq noun root rib
tunu noun root back
tunusuk noun root nape of neck
tuqtu noun root trachea
uijjanngu- verb root to feel dizzy
uluak noun root cheeks
uluangijaqtunga stem + verb ending I have cold cheeks.
umik noun root beard
ummak- verb root to grow a beard
ummattiaqtualuk stem + noun ending He grows a very full beard.
uniq noun root armpit
uppatiik (ukpatiik) noun root hips (dual)
uqaq noun root tongue
usuk noun root penis
utsuuk (uttuuk) noun root vagina
uulit- verb root to shiver
uummalluktuq stem + verb ending He has a heart condition.
uummat noun root heart
uutirnaqtunga verb root + affix/ending fever (I have a...)
uvinik noun root skin (human)