
Inuktut Sort descending Content Type English
akuni noun root a long time
ikarraq noun root an hour
maanna noun root every day
maannaruluk adverb soon
pingajuat noun root Wednesday
Qanga utirniaqqa? verb root + affix/ending When will he/she be back?
qangattiaq adverb soon; not long ago
qatsimi? interrogative at what time
qatsimuuqqat? interrogative at what time? (in the future)
qaukpat noun root tomorrow
qulaani noun root noon
qulaanuuqqat stem + verb ending when it gets to noon/midnight
uattiaru adverb later
ullaaq noun root (this) morning
ullaasa noun root late morning
ullulimaaq noun root + affix/ending all day
ullumi noun root today
ulluq noun root day
unnuaq noun root night
unnuk noun root evening; tonight
unnukkut adverb in the evening
unnusa (unnuksaq) noun root (this) afternoon
unnusakkut (unnuksakkut) adverb in the afternoon