Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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maaktalik noun root dark dehaired seal skin
maani location/position around here
maani- location/position around here (general area)
Maanituupa noun root Manitoba
maanna noun root every day
maannaruluk adverb soon
maanngat location/position from this area here
Maata makkungniqsaq ilingnit. Martha is younger than you.
maatsi noun root March
mai noun root May
maija noun root Mayor
maijugivavut noun root + affix/ending our Mayor
mait- verb root to feel pain
majja! location/position Here it is here! (general area)
majjak- verb root to scrape a sealskin clean
majjakaak noun root thining the edges of the soles
majjaksaalijugut verb root + affix/ending We cleaned the sealskin ahead of time.
majuq- verb root to go up something; to ascend
majuqqait   noun root steep inclines
majuraqtuq verb root + affix/ending He/she goes up something with steps
majurautit noun root stairs; ladder
makikauqtuqtuq verb root + affix/ending He immediately got up.
makit- verb root to stand up; stand something up that has fallen
makittaq- verb root to play cards
Makivvia noun root Easter
makkaujaq noun root bowl
makkuk- adjective root to be young
makkuktut noun root young people
makua pronoun these ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
makuak pronoun these two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
makuktitunaq pronoun + ending like these two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
makunani pronoun + ending in these ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
makunanngat pronoun + ending from these ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
makungnani pronoun + ending in these two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
makungnanngat pronoun + ending from these two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
makungninga pronoun + ending these two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
makungnunga pronoun + ending to these two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
makungnuuna pronoun + ending through these two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
makuninga pronoun + ending these ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
makununga pronoun + ending to these ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
makunuuna pronoun + ending through these ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
makutitunaq pronoun + ending like these ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
makutunaq pronoun + ending like this one (object in motion, or in a general area)
Maligaliurvik noun root Legislative Assembly
maligaq noun root law
maligumaviit? verb root + affix/ending Do you want to come along?
malik- verb root to follow; to come along
malliq- verb root wavy conditions
malliqtuq verb root + affix/ending It is wavy (ocean).