Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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saa noun root table
saa- location/position at the front of
saalaksalauqtut verb root + affix/ending they won
saalaksaq- verb root to win
saalaksaqtut verb root + affix/ending They win.
saalasiaq noun root a bullied or mistreated person
Saali tununnut ijiqtuq. Charlie hid behid you.
saalisaq noun root apron
saaluqi noun root plywood
saangujaq noun root counter
saanniittuq location/position It is in front of me.
Saasikaasuan noun root Saskatchewan
saat- adjective root to be thin
saattugaq noun root a flat stone
saattuq adjective root + affix/ending a thin object 
saattuujaut noun root frying pan
saaviqatiga stem + noun ending the person I departed by boat with
saavit- verb root to launch a boat
saglullattaqtuq verb root + affix/ending He most certainly is lying.
saili- verb root to relax
sailittuarvingani stem + noun ending where he/she can relax
saimmati noun root flag
saimmatiqarvik noun root + affix/ending a flag pole
saipan noun root seven (borrowed from English)
sajugjuumijaktunga. verb root + affix/ending My body shakes come and go
sajuk- verb root to tremble
sakiaq noun root her husband’s sister; his wife’s brother 
sakik noun root parent(s)-in-law
sakikkutinni noun root + affix/ending at my in-law's
sakippaaq noun root grand-parent-in-law
sakku noun root bullet; harpoon head
sakkui- verb root to let go a hold of something
sakuut noun root flat edged scraper
saliguut noun root scraper
Salliit noun root Coral Harbour
sallu- (saglu-) verb root to lie; say something that is not true
salluq noun root a skinny person or animal 
saluaq- verb root to become dry
saluk- adjective root to be thin
saluktisaut stem + noun ending soemthing used to lose weight
saluma- adjective root to be clean
salumajuq adjective root + affix/ending to be clean; the clean one
salummaq- verb root to become clean
salummaqsaiji stem + noun ending cleaner; janitor
salummaqtanga verb root + affix/ending She cleaned it.
sana- verb root to work
sanakautiginiaqtuq verb root + affix/ending She will work right away.
sanannguagaq noun root carving
sanarrutiit noun root tools and equipment