Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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amisut noun root lots; many of something
amit- adjective root to be thin
amittuq adjective root + affix/ending narrow/thin object or person 
amma noun root and
ammuumajuq noun root clam 
amu- verb root to pull something upwards
amujuut noun root drawers
amuuq- verb root to pull something in
amuuqtanga verb root + affix/ending He pulled in the long rope.
anaana noun root mother
anaanakkukka noun root + affix/ending my mother's family
anaanatsiaq noun root grandmother
anaq noun root excrement
anaq- verb root to defecate
anarvik noun root washroom 
anau- verb root to hit something with an object
anaullagat noun root drums 
anaullagat noun root drums
anauttapassinarlugit! verb root + affix/ending Hit them with a bat!
anaut  noun root bowel 
angajuk (angijuk) noun root older sibling
angak noun root maternal uncle (mother's brother)
angakkuq noun root a shaman
angi- adjective root to be big
angigi- verb root to be big for someone/something
angigijakka stem + verb ending They are big for me.
angijuk (angajuk) noun root older sibling (same sex)
angijuq adjective root + affix/ending he/she/it is big; the big one
angijuqqaaq noun root parent; person of authority
angijuqtaq noun root skirt
angijuqtaujaq noun root skirted amaut
angijurnguq noun root a relative of the same sex who is older than you who is your spouse’s sibling’s spouse. 
angijuttiq noun root an older sibling
angikauqtuqtuq verb root + affix/ending She quickly agreed.
angilli- verb root to get bigger
angillivalliajuq verb root + affix/ending It is gradually getting bigger.
angiq- verb root to agree
angiqqa (angiqpa)? verb root + affix/ending Does he/she agree?
angiqqak (angiqpak)? verb root + affix/ending Do the two of them agree?
angiqqat (angiqpat)? verb root + affix/ending Do they (3+) agree)
angiqqinuk (angiqpinuk)? verb root + affix/ending Do we two agree?
angiqqisi (angiqpisi)? verb root + affix/ending Do you (3+) agree?
angiqqisik (angiqpisik)? verb root + affix/ending Do the two of you agree?
angiqqit (angiqpit)? verb root + affix/ending Do you agree?
angiqqita? (angiqpita?) verb root + affix/ending Do we (3+) agree?
angiqqunga (angiqpunga)? Do I agree? verb root + affix/ending Do I agree?
angirraq noun root home
angirraq- verb root to arrive home
angirrarlanga verb root + affix/ending Let me go home!
angirrau- verb root to go home