Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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papa noun root pepper
papat- verb root to keep something
papattumaviuk? verb root + affix/ending Do you want to keep it?
parnak- verb root to prepare for a trip
parnatsimajuq (parnaksimajuq) verb root + affix/ending He/she is prepared to travel.
parnattuq (parnaktuq) verb root + affix/ending he/she prepares for a trip
patiujaq noun root candle
pattajjaanngittunga verb root + affix/ending I will not be playing cards.
pattak- verb root to play cards
pattaktuq- verb root to clap
pattatturlutit! verb root + affix/ending Clap them (your hands)!
patuk noun root frost
patuk- verb root ice fog
patuttuq verb root + affix/ending There is ice fog.
pauktuutiit noun root pegs used for stretching an animal skin
pauna location/position through this area up here
paunga location/position to this area up here
pauq noun root soot
paurngaq noun root crowberry / blackberry
pautiik noun root paddle
pavvik noun root bones of the wrist or ankle
pavvisaijuq (pagvisaijuq) verb root + affix/ending He tries to annoy someone; he tampers with something
pavvit- (pagvit-) verb root to be annoyed with someone
pi- root added to affixes in order to create a complete word
pia noun root beer
piak- adjective root to be smooth in texture; to be able to slide well
piana noun root piano
piana noun root piano
pianik- verb root to be finished
pianniqsaq (piangniqsaq) adjective root + affix/ending smoother (texture); something (qamutiik, etc.) that glides better.
piaraq noun root a child
piga pronoun + ending mine (something belonging to me)
pigaaq- verb root to stay up late at night
pigiaq- verb root to start
pigiaqtuq verb root he/she/it starts to do something
piiq(si)- verb root to remove something
piiqtanga verb root + affix/ending She removes something.
piit pronoun + ending yours
pijarak noun root criminal
pijarannguqtuq stem + verb ending He became a criminal.
pijariaqtu- verb root to be difficult
pijariaqtujuq verb root + affix/ending It is difficult.
pijatsaqaq- (pijaksaqaq-, pijassaqaq-) verb root to be busy
pijikataaq noun root waiter; flight attendant
pijjut noun root reason
pijjut(i) noun root the reason for something
pikammak- verb root to do something incorrectly
pikani location/position up here in this spot
pikanngat location/position from this spot up here
pikka! location/position Here it is up here!