Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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siqinningittuq verb root + affix/ending It is not sunny.
siqinniq- verb root to be sunny
siqquq noun root aged seal flipper 
siqumit- verb root to shatter
siquq- verb root to crack (joints, air bubbles, etc)
sirluaq noun root shed
sitamat noun root four
sitamaujunngigaqtut noun root seven 
sitamaujuqtut noun root eight
sitammiq noun root Thursday
sitipiri noun root September 
situraq- verb root to toboggan
siummiutaak noun root earrings (pair)
siuqqit- verb root to get sand on one's body or clothes
siuraq noun root sand 
siut(i) noun root ear
siva noun root biscuit
sivalaaq noun root cookie
sivataarvik noun root Saturday (see also naatsiingujalaarniaq)
sivatalik noun root + affix/ending There’s some biscuits.
sivaujaq noun root cookie
sivik noun root the distance between two points
sivikittuq location/position It is a short distance; it is a short amount of time
sivua noun root bow of a boat 
sivuat noun root front teeth
sivuliq noun root ancestor
sivulittitut noun root + affix/ending like our ancestors
sivulliq noun root the one that is most forward; the one in front; the first one
sivunni- verb root to sew the front of the seal skin boots
sivuraa– location/position in front of an object
sivuraq- location/position to be in front of something
sivuura- verb root to feel anxious
sivuurajuq   verb root + affix/ending he/she feels apprehensive about something
sivuuravit? verb root + affix/ending Are you feeling anxious?
sivuvasik- verb root to be early
sivuvasittut verb root + affix/ending They are early.
su- interrogative a root used to express the idea of an unspecified action: often used to ask what someone is doing
suak- verb root to scold someone
suappiuk? verb root + affix/ending Did you scold him/her?
sugiaqaq- verb root to have to do something; to have to take action
sujut- adjective root to be emotionally hurt
sukaittuq adjective root + affix/ending It is slow; the slow one
sukannaqtuq stem + verb ending something that will give you an electrical shock
sukaq noun root sugar
sukat- verb root 1. to make tight 2. to get an electric shock
sukka- adjective root to be fast
sukkait- adjective root to be slow
sukkajuq adjective root + affix/ending It is fast; the fast one
sukuttianut ? interrogative to where exactly?
sukuttiq? interrogative to which part?