Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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sangu(si)- verb root to turn
sangusijuq verb root + affix/ending He/she/it is turning now.
sani- location/position beside
saniani location/position beside him/her/it/them
sanianit location/position from the space beside him/her/it/them
sanianut location/position to the space beside him/her/it/them
Sanikiluaq noun root Sanikiluaq
sanikkuvik noun root garbage bin
saninni location/position
saninniittuq location/position It is beside me.
saninnit location/position from the space beside me
saninnut location/position to the space beside me
saniq noun root dust and dirt on the floor
Sanirajak noun root Sanirajak
saniraq noun root side of the body
sanissinni location/position beside you (dual, plural)
sanissinnit location/position from the space beside you (dual, plural)
sanissinnut location/position to the space beside you (dual, plural)
sanittinni location/position beside us
sanittinnit location/position from the space beside us
sanittinnut location/position to the space beside us
saniut noun root broom
sanngi- adjective root to be strong
sanngijualuungmijuq adjective root + affix/ending He is also very strong.
sanniq- verb root to turn the body sideways
sapangat noun root beads
saputit noun root 1. fish weir 2. barriers
saqpik ulu noun root ulu shaped like a fluke
saqqit- verb root to appear
sarliaq noun root a dog with pups
sassi noun root six (borrowed from English)
saumik noun root the left side
sauniinnaq  noun root skeleton
sauniq noun root bone
saunnirijuq  noun root flu; influenza 
saviggirunnaqtutit stem + verb ending You can bring your knife.
savik noun root knife
savikkuvik noun root grub box
saviraja noun root a qulliq made of metal
savvaq- verb root to put something on fire or burner to cook
savvasivvik noun root (stove) burner
savvik noun root chest
siammaq- verb root to shake hands
siarnaq   adjective root grey
siarrijautiik noun root skates; skis
siarrijautikutaak noun root a pair of skis
siggaliaq noun root cigarette
siggaliaqtuq- verb root to smoke
Siggaliaqtusuunguvit?  stem + verb ending Do you smoke?
sigguq noun root snout