Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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akunniani location/position between two things
akuq noun root amaut (long tailed style)
akuq- verb root to catch something
akut- verb root to mix something
akłak noun root a grizzly bear
alianaigusuk- verb root to feel joy/elation
alianaigusulaaqtunga verb root + affix/ending I will love that! That will be awesome!
alianaigusuttuq   stem + verb ending he/she is enjoying something/having fun doing somthing
alianait exclamation It’s wonderful. 
alianait- verb root to feel joy
alik- (alit-) verb root to tear; to rip
aliqaq noun root older sister of a young male
aliqsiik noun root socks
alla noun root stranger; a member of a First Nation
allak noun root a letter; drawing
allaq- verb root to wipe something
allarut noun root towel
allarutikkuvik noun root + affix/ending linen closet
allatti stem + noun ending secretary
allavvik noun root office 
alliniit noun root linen
alliniq noun root bed sheet
alliruq (agliruq) noun root jaw
alliruujaak noun root scissors 
allu (aglu) noun root breathing hole for a seal
allusiuqtuq (aglusiuqtuq) verb root + affix/ending he searches for seals’ breathing holes
aluk noun root traditional desert made with creamed caribou fat and berries
aluk- verb root to lick
aluq noun root sole of the foot
aluqtuuk noun root bear skin or dog skin soles of kamiik
alurluijaq- verb root to scrape dirt from the bottom of the foot
alurluijaut stem + noun ending a mat for wiping one's feet
aluut noun root spoon
amaamatti- verb root to breast feed
amaq noun root a baby that is carried
amaq- verb root to carry someone on one’s back (especially a baby)
amaqqut noun root wolves (also amaruit)
amaruq noun root wolf 
amauq noun root great-grandparent
amauqpaaq noun root great-great-grandparent 
amaut noun root a parka with a pouch at the back for carrying a baby
Amautimik niuviaksalik She sells an amaut.
amautta noun root + affix/ending our great grandparent
amautta nunaminaapinga our great-grandparents’ old camp site 
amiaq noun root colour; paint
amiaq- verb root to paint something
amigaq- verb root to not have enough
amigaqsijugut stem + verb ending we do not have enough
amikilli- (amiktli-) verb root to be thin skinned
amiq noun root skin of a land mammal or bird