Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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asijjiq- verb root to make change
asimauttaq noun root cutting board
asiminik noun root + affix/ending people other than him/herself
asivaq- verb root to go hunting
asivaqti noun root + affix/ending a hunter
asu exclamation O.K.; I see
asuapik exclamation Great!
Asuujutit exclamation there you are (hello)
ata- verb root to be attached
ataa- location/position under
ataaniittuq location/position It is underneath.
ataata noun root father
ataatakkutinni noun root + affix/ending at my father’s place
ataatatsiaq noun root grandfather
atajuq noun root dress 
atangiq- verb root to include everything; to be complete
atangirniujaqtugut stem + verb ending All of us will be there.
atauq exclamation good thing!
atausiq noun root one
atausirmik tuttuttuminiq He got one caribou.
ati- location/position underneath
atigait noun root + affix/ending things to wear
atigi noun root caribou parka with fur inside 
atii exclamation yes! let's go ahead with that
atiliuq- verb root to sign something
atiliuqtara verb root + affix/ending I signed it. 
atinniittuq location/position It is underneath me.
atiq noun root name
atittuq adjective root + affix/ending It is low-lying.
atittuqqut noun root a patch of material added to a piece of clothing
atsalik- (assalik-) verb root to mix moss with Arctic willow for the wick of a qulliq; to mix something wilth the palms of the hands
atsualuk exclamation very much; so much
atsunaaq (attunaaq, akłunaaq) noun root rope
attak noun root paternal aunt
attarnanngittuq stem + verb ending something safe
attarnaq- adjective root something dangerous
attik- adjective root (land) it is low-lying
attungiq- verb root to tie something up; to handcuff
attungiqsimajuq verb root + affix/ending It is tied together.
attuq- verb root to touch someone/something
atuagalirijiujunga stem + verb ending I am a policy analyst.
atuagaq noun root policy
atuinnau- verb root to be ready; prepared; available
atungatsaq noun root skin for soles of seal skin boots
atungaujaq noun root mushroom
atunngiqtuq noun root sewing on the soles of kamik
atuq- verb root to use something
atuqsaq verb root to handle heavy items
aturniaqaakkak verb root + affix/ending I will use the two of them.
atuutilik noun root something useful