Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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qaluraut noun root shovel; fur scraper
qalurautituinnarmut noun root + affix/ending with only a shovel
qamaniq noun root widening within the river
Qamani’tuaq noun root Baker Lake
qaminnga- verb root to be turned off
qaminngajuq verb root + affix/ending It is turned off.
qamit- verb root to extinguish something; to turn off (an appliance, etc.)
qamutaujajuvisi stem + verb ending Did you go by snowmobile?
qamutaujaq noun root snowmobile
qamutiik noun root qamutiik; sled 
qanaq noun root tent frame
Qanga utirniaqqa? verb root + affix/ending When will he/she be back?
qanga? interrogative when?
qangata- verb root to fly
qangatasuuq stem + noun ending airplane
qangatasuuqti noun root pilot
qangattaut noun root airline ticket 
qangattiaq adverb soon; not long ago
qangiaq noun root niece/nephew (a male's sister's child)
qanigi- verb root to be close to something
qanigingmagu location/position because it is close to it
qanima- verb root to be ill
qanimalauqtunga verb root + affix/ending I was ill.
qaniq noun root mouth
qanit- adjective root to be near; close
qanittuq adjective root + affix/ending It is close by; something close
qaniut noun root freshly fallen snow
qanniq- verb root to snow
qanniqtillugu verb root + affix/ending when it was snowing…
qanuiliuqpakpit? interrogative What do you do?
qanuimmat? interrogative why?
qanuinngit- verb root to be good, fine or acceptable
qanuinngittugut exclamation We (3+) are fine.
qanuippat? interrogative How are they?
qanuit- verb root to be in a situation
qanuittumik qukiutiqaqqa? What kind of rifle he/she have?
qanuittumik? interrogative what kind?
Qanuq isumavit? interrogative What do you think?
qanuq? interrogative how?
qanuruuq? interrogative How was that again? What did he/she say?
qapila- verb root to feel dreary
qapilagijara verb root + affix/ending I find it dreary. 
qapuaq noun root foam from bubbles
qapuaq- verb root to be bubbling
qaqqajaaq noun root hill
qaqqaq noun root mountain
qaqqulaaq  noun root cartilage 
qaqsauq   noun root Arctic loon
qaqtu (qaqłu) noun root lower lip
qarasaq  noun root brain