Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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pinga pronoun + ending his / hers
pingajuat noun root Wednesday
pingajuattamaat noun root + affix/ending every Wednesday
pingasut noun root three
pingasuujuqtut noun root six
pingatsiq noun root Wednesday 
pingik pronoun + ending something belonging to the two of them
pingit pronoun + ending something belonging to them (3+)
piniarniq noun root livelihood
pinikisautijut noun root competition
pinikisautijut stem + noun ending competitions
piniraak   noun root a pair of kamiik liners made of animal skin
piniraujaak noun root a pair of kamiik liners made of cloth 
pinna pronoun this one up here
pinngu- verb root to have a hangover
pinnguanginnaujaqtut   verb root + affix/ending They are playing all the time.
pinnguaq noun root toy
pinnguaq- verb root to play
pinnguaqtut verb root + affix/ending people playing games
pinnguarvik noun root recreation centre
pinngujuq verb root + affix/ending He is hungover.
piqalujaq noun root iceberg
piqannaaq noun root boyfriend/girlfriend
piqasiuti- verb root to include
piqati noun root friend
piqatikkutinni noun root + affix/ending at my friend's place
piqsiq- verb root There are blizzard conditions.
piqutit noun root belongings
pirit- verb root to fold ends
pirluktuq noun root miscarriage
pirraak noun root qamutiik runners
pirujuittuq verb root + affix/ending It will never grow.
pirunaqsaq- verb root to tidy something up
piruq noun root a rock used to secure a tent
piruq- verb root to grow
piruqsiaq noun root flower
piruqtuq noun root a plant
pisik- verb root shoot an arrow
pisiksik noun root a (hunting) bow
pisima- verb root to keep
pisippallugit verb root + affix/ending shoot arrows at them
pisissima noun root + affix/ending of my bow
Pisugiatsaq quviagijara. verb root + affix/ending I enjoy walking.
pisuk- verb root to walk
pisuniaqqisi? verb root + affix/ending Will you (3+) be walking?
pisuttit noun root land mammals
pitai- verb root to drill a fishing hole
pitsi (pitti) noun root dried fish
pitsiulaaq  (pittiulaaq) noun root black guillemot
pittiaq- verb root 1. to behave; 2. to do something the right way