Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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ijjuuk  noun root testicles
ikaaq- verb root to cross over a body of water
Ikaaqtut sikukkut. They are crossing over the ice.
ikajuq- verb root to help
ikajuqtaujumavit? verb root + affix/ending Do you want to be helped?
ikani location/position right over there
ikanngat location/position from that spot there
ikarraq noun root an hour
iki- verb root to turn on an electric applicance; to burn something
ikiaq noun root 1. something between two layers; 2. a shirt worn between layers of clothing
ikiaq(si)- verb root to split something into layers
ikijjuk! verb root + affix/ending Turn it on; Burn it!
ikikkannirlugu verb root + affix/ending Turn it on again!
ikinngut noun root person born on the same day as you
ikinngutigiik noun root + affix/ending two people born on the same day
ikiq noun root narrow passage / strait 
ikirmiutait noun root creatures that live in the open ocean
ikit- verb root to turn something on; to ignite something
ikka! location/position There it is right there!
ikkat- adjective root to be shallow
ikkattuq adjective root + affix/ending (it is) shallow 
ikkii noun root the cold (general)
ikkiit- adjective root to be dull
ikkiittuq adjective root + affix/ending (it is) dull 
ikkiq noun root gum (of the mouth)
ikkua pronoun those (3+) over there
ikkuak pronoun those two over there
ikkuktitut pronoun like those two over there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
ikkunani pronoun + ending in those ones over there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
ikkunanngat pronoun + ending from those ones over there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
ikkungnani pronoun + ending in those two over there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
ikkungnanngat pronoun + ending from those two over there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
ikkungninga pronoun + ending those two over there
ikkungnuuna pronoun + ending through those two over there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
ikkuninga pronoun + ending those (3+) over there
ikkunnunga (ikkungnunga) pronoun + ending to those two over there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
ikkununga pronoun + ending to those ones over there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
ikkununga pronoun + ending to those ones
ikkunuuna pronoun + ending through those ones over there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
ikkutitut pronoun + ending like those ones over there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
Ikpiarjuk noun root Arctic Bay
ikpiarjuk (ippiarjuk) noun root pocket
iksivaaq- verb root to be seated
iktaqqut stem + noun ending an object used to weigh something down.
iktarik- adjective root to be heavy
ikullaq- verb root (weather) to clear; to calm
ikulliaq- verb root to be calm weather
ikulliaqtuq verb root + affix/ending There’s no wind.
ikuma- verb root to be turned on
ikumajuq It is turned on.