Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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ikumat noun root matches
ikummak- verb root to tend to the qulliq
Ikummakpaktuq qullirmik. verb root + affix/ending She usually lights the qulliq.
ikunga location/position to that spot there
ikusiillijuq stem + verb ending He injured his elbow.
ikusik noun root elbow
ikuuna pronoun + ending through that one over there (object in motion, or in a general area)
ila noun root relative; family member; a part of something
ila- verb root to add
ilaali exclamation you’re welcome
Ilaanni adverb sometimes
ilaannikkut adverb from time to time
ilagi- verb root to be part of something
ilajaariitigut noun root + affix/ending our family
ilajaat noun root family members
ilakka noun root + affix/ending my family/my relatives
ilau- verb root to join in an activity; to come along
ilaujuq verb root + affix/ending joins in; comes along (he/she...)
ili(si)- verb root to place something down
ili- pronoun you (followed by a noun ending)
iliapan noun root eleven
ilikkuma verb root + affix/ending when I learn
ilinniaq- verb root to learn; study
ilinniaq- verb root to learn; to study
ilinniarvik noun root place for learning/school
ilinnut (ilingnut) pronoun + ending to/for you
iliqqusiq noun root culture
iliqqusituqarnik noun root + affix/ending the traditional ways
ilira- verb root to be intimidated by someone
iliragijara verb root + affix/ending I am intimidated by him.
ilisai- verb root to instruct someone
ilisaiji noun root + affix/ending an instructor
ilisaq- verb root to be instructed
ilisaqsi- verb root to recognize someone/something
ilisaqtugut verb root + affix/ending We are learning from instructions.
ilisijuq verb root + affix/ending He/she put something down; placed something.
ilit- verb root to learn something
ilitsi (ilissi) pronoun you (3+)
ilitsik (ilissik) pronoun the two of you
ilitsinni pronoun at your place
ilitsinni (ilitsingni) pronoun + ending at your place
ilittuq verb root + affix/ending She has learned.
illaigut noun root comb
illaiq(si)- verb root to untangle something (e.g. dog traces); to comb hair
illiap paanga  noun root cervix 
illiaq  noun root uterus 
illiq noun root bed
illiti- verb root to cut something (for tailoring)
illu (iglu) noun root house; building
illua (iglua) noun root the other one of a pair; the matching one