Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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inutuqaq noun root Elder
inuu- verb root to be born
inuuqanniq- verb root to be easy to get along with
inuuqanniqtualuk He/she is very easy to get along with.
inuusiq noun root way of life
iparaq- verb root to whip (a dog)
iparaut noun root dog whip
ipik- adjective root to be sharp
ipiq noun root something dirty
ipittuq adjective root + affix/ending It is sharp; the sharp one
ipiutaq noun root dog trace; harness line
ippatsaani noun root the day before yesterday
ippatsaq (ippassaq; ippaksaq) noun root yesterday
ippiarjuk (ikpiarjuk) noun root pocket; Arctic Bay
ippiarjunganiittut noun root + affix/ending They are in his pocket.
ippigi- (ikpigi-) verb root to feel an emotion
ippinniajjut noun root nerve
Ippinnianiq noun root feeling; emotion
ipulik noun root pot
ipuut noun root paddle; oar
iqaiittuq adjective root + affix/ending He is agile; the agile one
iqailisaq- verb root to exercise
iqailisarvik noun root + affix/ending exercise room; gym
iqait- adjective root to be agile
iqalliaq- verb root to go fishing
iqalliaqpattunga verb root + affix/ending I usually go fishing.
iqalliarvik noun root a place to go fishing
Iqaluit noun root Iqaluit
iqaluk noun root fish
iqaluk- verb root to catch a fish
Iqaluktuuttiaq noun root Cambridge Bay
iqaluttut (iqaluktut) verb root + affix/ending They catch fish.
iqaq- adjective root to be rigid
iqaqtiik noun root black seal skin boots without fur
iqaqtuq adjective root + affix/ending (it is) rigid/inflexible 
iqi- verb root (1) to shrink; (2) to bend one's arms or legs
iqia- verb root to be lazy to do something; to find something or someone boring
iqiagijara verb root + affix/ending I don’t feel like doing it; I find it/him/her boring.
iqiik noun root corners of your mouth
iqingik noun root (qulliq) the points of the oil lamp
iqinninga noun root (sewing) gathered areas
iqiqquq noun root baby finger; pinky
iqisulik noun root curly hair
iqisuuraaluummata stem + verb ending they tend to shrink
iqit- verb root to hug
iqpariikkutinga noun root (sewing) lines sewn across the gathered parts to keep in shape
iqqai- verb root to remember something with effort
iqqaijuq verb root + affix/ending He remembers something.
iqqanaijajjaanngittunga verb root + affix/ending I will not be working today.
iqqanaijaq- verb root to work; to be employed