Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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Kaa! exclamation an expression of astonishment
kaak- verb root to be hungry
kaapi noun root coffee
kaapiliurut stem + noun ending coffee maker
kaapiturvik noun root coffee shop
kaappit (kaakpit) ? verb root + affix/ending Are you hungry?
kaijjainiaqtuq  noun root migraine 
kajjaaq- verb root to feel a longing for something
kajjaarama iqaluminirmik verb root + affix/ending I am craving char.
kajjiq noun root the top of the head
kajuq adjective root brown
kakiak noun root fork
kakiaktaqaqqa? stem + verb ending Are there any forks?
kakivak noun root fishing spear
kakkik noun root mucous from the nose
kakkik- verb root to blow one's nose
kakkiutitsaq noun root kleenex; handkerchief
kakkua pronoun those (3+) down there
kakkuak pronoun those two down there
kakkuktitunaq pronoun + ending like those two down there
kakkunani pronoun + ending in those ones down there
kakkunanngat pronoun + ending from those ones down there
kakkungnani pronoun + ending in those two down there
kakkungnanngat pronoun from those two down there
kakkungninga pronoun + ending those two down there
kakkungnuuna pronoun + ending through those two down there
kakkuninga pronoun + ending those (3+) down there
kakkunuuna pronoun + ending through those ones down there
kakkutitunaq pronoun like those ones down there
kakungnunga pronoun + ending to those two down there
kakununga pronoun + ending to those ones down there
Kalaallit Nunaat noun root Greenland
kaligaq stem + noun ending a trailer (something that is towed)
kalik- verb root to tow something
kallulik noun root Arctic loon
kaluut noun root hitch (qamutiik) 
kama- verb root to take interest in something; pay attention to something; to care for something
kamaaluuk noun root rubber boots
kamagittiarillugit verb root + affix/ending Handle them carefully!
kamiik noun root skin boots
kamikallaak noun root Inuit women’s short seal skin kamiik, often made of the bleached white seal skin
kamillaatuqsiutiik noun root slippers
kammassaut noun root shaper for soles
kanaaq noun root shin
kanajuq noun root sculpin
kanani location/position down here in this spot
kananngat location/position from that spot down there
Kanata noun root Canada
kangilisuk- verb root to suspect something