Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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kigunniaqti noun root dentist
kigut noun root tooth
kigutangirnat noun root blueberries
kii noun root key
kii(si)- verb root to bite
kiik- verb root to lock something
kiiksimajuq verb root + affix/ending It is locked.
kiinaq noun root face
kiinaujakkuvik noun root + affix/ending bank (also wallet)
kiinaujaksaq noun root a cheque
kiinaujaq noun root money
kiingiqsiqtunga stem + verb ending I lost my key.
kijjautiik noun root scissors
kikiasijjut stem + noun ending stapler
kikiatsijjut noun root stapler
kikkaq noun root bones with meat
kikkaq- verb root to feast on caribou bones
kikkut? interrogative who?; which one of them (people)?
kikkuulangavisi? interrogative Who will be going?
kiksaut noun root fat from the lining of caribou stomach
kiksautiguktunga stem + verb ending I’m craving kiksaut.
kikłu noun root cooking rack; platform or stones for placing pots above a fire
kiliq- verb root to cut
kiliqtunga verb root + affix/ending I cut myself
kiliugait  noun root barnacles
kiliuq- verb root to scrape something clean
killiq noun root cut; wound
kimaktuut noun root small ulu used to cut patterns
kimmik noun root heel
kimmili- verb root to sew the heels
kimmiliik noun root high heeled boots/shoes
kimminnat noun root cranberries
Kimmirusiariamut noun root + affix/ending the trail to Kimmirut
Kimmirut noun root Kimmirut
kina? interrogative who?
kingu- location/position at the back/end; in the next or last position
kinguvaangit noun root + affix/ending his/her/their descendants
kinguvaaq noun root a descendant
kinguvaq- verb root to be late
kininnikumut stem + noun ending because it was soaked in liquid…
kinit- verb root absorbed with liquid
Kinngait noun root Kinngait
kinngaq noun root mountain; high hill
kipi- verb root to cut
kipikkannirlugu! verb root + affix/ending Cut it some more (deeper/further)!
kipu noun root table
Kipuup ataaniittuq. location/position It is undeneath the table.
kisaq- verb root to anchor a boat
kisaqsimajuq verb root + affix/ending it is anchored 
kisaut noun root anchor