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Kangiqtugaapik noun root Clyde River
kangiqtuk noun root inlet; fiord
Kangiqłiniq noun root Rankin Inlet
kanguq noun root snow goose
kanna (kangna) pronoun that one down there
kanna! location/position Here it is down here!
kanngu- verb root to feel shy
kanngugijait verb root + affix/ending He/she makes you feel shy.
kanunga location/position to that spot down there
kanuuna location/position through that spot down there
kapi(si)- verb root to prick something; to pierce something with a sharp object
kapivaa verb root + affix/ending He/she pierces it.
kappia- verb root to feel afraid of something
kappiagijanga verb root + affix/ending She/he’s scared of her/him.
kappiasuttuq verb root + affix/ending he/she is afraid
kappujjaqtuq noun root electric plug
kasak- verb root to touch a part of something
kasapillaktara. verb root + affix/ending I accidently touched it for a bit.
katai- verb root to drop something
katak noun root snow house entrance
katak- verb root to fall from a height
katatsimajuq (kataksimajuq) verb root + affix/ending It is on the ground, having fallen.
katima- verb root to be in a meeting
katimaniarmata verb root + affix/ending because they will be in a meeting later
katimaqatigijunnaqqinga? verb root + affix/ending Can you meet with me?
katimmakainnalaaqtuapiujugut verb root + affix/ending we will all be together for a bit 
katit- verb root to gather as a group of people; to meet
katitau- verb root to get married
katsunga- (kattunga-, kassunga-) verb root to move slowly
katturiarit! verb root + affix/ending Slow down!
katujjiqatigiit noun root people working together; association
katuma pronoun of that one down there
katumani pronoun + ending in that one down there
katumanngat pronoun + ending from that one down there
katuminga pronoun + ending that one down there
katumunga pronoun + ending to that one down there
katumuuna pronoun + ending through that one down there
katutunaq pronoun + ending like that one down there
kautaq noun root hammer
kiak noun root heat of the sun
kiak- verb root to sweat
kiaksaut noun root stove; furnace
kiap interrogative Whose?
Kiap una? interrogative Whose is this?
kiasik noun root shoulder blade
kiati noun root blouse
kiatsaut noun root furnace
kiatsi- verb root to bleach a skin with hot water
kiattaq noun root dehaired sealskin
kigliq noun root the edge of something