Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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natsiq- (nattiq-) verb root to catch a seal
Natsiqsimalluta sijjamut tulalauqtugut. Having caught some seals, we went to shore.
natsiqtuq verb root + affix/ending He caught a seal.
natsirasugiuqtuq verb root + affix/ending He is going seal hunting for the first time.
natsirasuk- (nattirasuk-) verb root to go seal hunting
natsirmik pilattuq (nattirmik pilaktuq) He butchers a seal.
Nattilik noun root coast between Kugaaruk & Gjoa Haven 
nattivak noun root hooded seal 
naugli (naulli) interrogative where is...?
nauglikiaq interrogative I wonder where ... Is?
nauja noun root seagull
Naujaat noun root Naujaat
naukkut? interrogative through where?/by what means?
naulik- verb root to hit with a harpoon
naulikiarngai interrogative I wonder
naulli (naugli)? interrogative Where is…?
niaqaujaliurut noun root bread pan
niaqaujaqsiut noun root bread knife
Niaqunnguut noun root Apex
Niaqunnguut ungataaniittuq. It is on the other side of Apex; beyond Apex
niaqunngu  noun root headache 
niaquq noun root head
nigiq noun root south
nigiq- verb root south wind
nigiqtuq verb root + affix/ending There is a south wind.
niglinaqtukkuvik noun root refrigerator
nijjaajut noun root music
nijjaajut noun root music 
nijjausijaq- verb root to play music (as a musician)
nijjausijaqti noun root musician
nijjausijaqtut verb root + affix/ending They play music. 
nikku (mikku) noun root dried meat
nikkuguktut stem + verb ending They are craving dried caribou meat.
niksigialik verb root + affix/ending You have to hook it.
niksik- verb root to hook something
nikuvit- verb root to stand up
nikuvittariaksaq uluriagijara I am afraid to stand up straight.
nilak noun root fresh water ice used for drinking water
niliq- verb root to pass gas
nillasuk- (niglasuk-) verb root to be cold weather
nillasuviutimmat verb root + affix/ending because it is very cold out
nillia- verb root to make continuous sound
nilliq- verb root to make a sound
nillirajuittuq verb root + affix/ending He/she is very quiet.
nimak- verb root to be rolling in pain
nimiq noun root string/cord for tying; hair tie
ningauk noun root son-in-law; also brother-in-law of a male 
ningiq- verb root to get a share of some meat; to bring meat home from someone else's catch
ningiqtuq verb root + affix/ending he gets a share of the meat; he brings meat home from someone else’s catch
ningiuq noun root grandmother/old woman