Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

Inuktut Sort descending Content Type English
nungut- verb root to be gone/to have no more
nunivak- verb root to pick berries
nunivattuq verb root + affix/ending He/she is picking berries.
nunngua location/position the end of something
nuqarut noun root a rope for securing a tent
nuqqanga- adjective root to be still; motionless
nuqqangajuq verb root + affix/ending It is not moving; the still one
nuqqaq- verb root to stop
nuqqariaqaqtunga verb root + affix/ending I have to stop.
nurlu noun root lasso
nurlu ulu noun root ulu with a hole in the handle
nutaaminiq noun root fresh meat
nutaaq noun root something new
nutaraq noun root a child
nutinniq  noun root fracture
nuttiq- (nuktiq-) verb root to move to another place
nuut- verb root to move
Nuuvasikuusa noun root Nova Scotia
nuvak noun root mucus
nuvak- verb root to have a cold
nuvi- verb root to thread something (a needle, button, etc.)
nuvipiri noun root November
nuviqsaq- verb root to knit
nuvisimajut verb root + affix/ending They have been threaded.
nuvuja noun root cloud
nuvuja- verb root to be cloudy
nuvuk noun root point of land