Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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ninngak- verb root to become angry
ninngaumajunga verb root + affix/ending I am angry. 
ninngu- verb root to be thick; to be difficult to break
ninniuq- verb root to be fully crowded
nipi noun root sound; voice
nipi- verb root (sun, moon, stars) to be out of view; to have set
nipiliuq- verb root to make a recording
nipiliurunnaqtutit stem + verb ending You can leave a message
nipit- verb root to stick together (two surfaces)
nipitittinasuktuq verb root + affix/ending He is trying to glue or tape something.
niqaiq- verb root to run out of food
niqaiqsijuq verb root + affix/ending He/she ran out of food.
niqi noun root food; meat
niqtiuq- verb root to cook
niqtiuqtuq verb root + affix/ending He/she is cooking.
niri- verb root to eat
niriliqtaq noun root uvula
niriuk- verb root to hope for something
niriunnanngittuq verb root + affix/ending something unexpected
nirivigjuaq- verb root to feast
nirivigjuaqłutik verb root + affix/ending while they were feasting...
nirivijjuaq (nirivigjuaq) noun root community feast
nirjut noun root animal
nirlik noun root Canada goose
nirritinut uasarvik noun root dishwasher
nirritit noun root dishes
nirrivik noun root dining table
niru- adjective root describes the amount of room in a space or an object
niruaq- verb root to choose; to pick one out of many
niruarniq stem + noun ending election
nirukittuq it is a narrow/tight space/object
nitta- verb root weather with clear visibility
nittaittuq verb root + affix/ending There is (weather with) low visibility.
niu noun root leg
niu- verb root to get off/out of a vehicle
Niupaulaan noun root Newfoundland
niuq(si)- verb root (1) to suck in air (2) to take a sip of something
niuqqaq- verb root to sip on a drink
niuqsilluakallakkama verb root + affix/ending I took too much of a sip
niurai- verb root to unload
niuraijut verb root + affix/ending They are unloading something.
niurru- verb root to visit another community
niurruti noun root something sold
niurrutiqarvik noun root + affix/ending a market
niuvasaarama nangialuamut I was so scared, I actually got off (qamutiik, etc.)
niuviaq noun root something that is bought or sold
niuviq- verb root to buy something; to trade
niuviriaqtuq verb root + affix/ending he goes shopping
niuvirvik noun root store
niuvirviralaaq noun root corner store