Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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uku- verb root to bend down
ukua pronoun these (3+)
ukuak pronoun these two
ukuaq noun root daughter-in-law; also sister-in-law of a female
ukuktiguunaq pronoun + ending through these two
ukuktitut pronoun + ending like these two
ukunani pronoun + ending in these ones
Ukunani siniktalauqtunga. example I slept in these people’s place.
ukunanngat pronoun + ending from these (3+)
Ukunanngat kiinaujaqtaaqtunga. example I received money from these people.
ukungnani pronoun + ending to these two
ukungnanngat pronoun + ending from these two
ukungninga pronoun + ending these two (obect of the verb)
ukungnunga pronoun + ending to these two
ukuninga pronoun + ending these people/things here (object of the verb)
Ukuninga titiraqtunga. example Here are the things I am writing.
ukununga pronoun + ending to these (3+)
ukutiguunaq pronoun + ending through these (3+)
ukutitunaq pronoun + ending like these ones
ukutitunaq pronoun + ending like these ones; similar to these ones
ulamaut noun root an axe
ulamauttiqtuq stem + verb ending He took the axe to use.
ulik- verb root to cover something
ulinnga- verb root to be at high tide
ulinngappat verb root + affix/ending when it gets to high tide
ulippat verb root + affix/ending when the tide is full
ulit- verb root 1. the motion of the tide rising 2. to be inside out
ulittiaqtangit stem + verb ending They covered it well.
uliutiik noun root tendon
ullaaq noun root (this) morning
ullaarummitaq noun root breakfast
ullaasa noun root late morning
ullak- verb root to run
ullassigiarama verb root + affix/ending as I started to run
Ullukkut exclamation Good Day.
ullulimaaq noun root + affix/ending all day
ullumi noun root today
ulluq noun root day
ulluqsiutit noun root calendar
ulluriaq noun root star
ulu noun root crescent-shaped knife
ulu noun root crescent-shaped knife
uluak noun root cheeks
uluangijaqtunga stem + verb ending I have cold cheeks.
uluriat- verb root to feel fear of feeling pain
ulurnaut noun root meat cleaver
ulurnauttiqtuq stem + verb ending He took a clever to use.
umiaq noun root boat
umiiri- verb root to beach a boat
umiirijjutit stem + noun ending rollers (for pulling a boat onshore)