Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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upit- verb root to be proud
uppatiik (ukpatiik) noun root hips (dual)
uppik (ukpik) noun root snowy owl
uppirnangittuq exclamation It’s amazing; unbelievable. 
uqaala- verb root to call someone
uqaalaut noun root telephone
uqaalautiralaaq noun root cell phone
uqaalavigilauqtakka stem + verb ending I called them (yesterday or earlier).
uqakkanniruk verb root + affix/ending Please repeat that.
uqalimaagaq noun root book
uqalimaaq- verb root to read
uqallak- verb root to speak
uqapiluk- verb root to swear
uqaq noun root tongue
uqaq- verb root to say something
uqarajuit- adjective root to be a quiet person
uqaujjau- verb root to be told
uqaujji- verb root to tell someone
uqausiq noun root word; language
uqausirijauvaktut stem + verb ending things that are spoken about
uqausittiavammik stem + noun ending a beautiful word/language
uqauti- verb root to tell someone something
Uqhuqtuuq noun root Gjoa Haven
uqila- verb root to be fast in running
uqilajuq adjective root + affix/ending he/she is a fast runner; fit 
uqit- adjective root to be light (in weight)
uqittuq adjective root + affix/ending It is light; the light one
uqquksaq- verb root to warm a place up
uqquq noun root with wind
uqqurmiut noun root people living in central Baffin Island
uqquu- verb root to experience hot; to be hot weather
uqquujukulummi! stem + noun ending in a nice warm place
uqquusaut noun root furnace
uqquuvit? verb root + affix/ending Are you hot?
uqsak- verb root to fill up something with fuel
uqsakpagiiruk! stem + verb ending Fill up with gas ahead of time!
uqsiq noun root dog harness toggle
uqsualuk noun root gasoline; fuel oil
uqsualuqarvik noun root + affix/ending an oil tank
uqsuaqtuq verb root when the surface of the ocean is calm, taking on the appearance of oil
uqsuq noun root blubber; oil
uqsuqtirut noun root oil
Uqsuqtuuq noun root Gjoa Haven
uqumaipaluktuq adjective root + affix/ending (it is) a little bit heavy
uqumait- adjective root to be heavy
uquutaq noun root wind block
uruniq noun root intestines of ptarmigan and their conents
usi- verb root to have cargo
ussiksaut noun root insulation
usuk noun root penis