Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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utaqqi- verb root to wait
utaqqijunnarniaqqinga? verb root + affix/ending Can you wait for me?
utijjaanngittuq verb root + affix/ending He won’t be back.
utiq- verb root to return
utirjak- verb root to travel and return on the same day
utsuuk (uttuuk) noun root vagina
utupiri noun root October
uugaq noun root cod
uugit noun root boiled meat
uujaujaq adjective root green
uujuq noun root boiled meat with broth
uuktusaaqpit? verb root + affix/ending Did you just try to do it?
uulit- verb root to shiver
uuma pronoun + ending of this one
uumajuq noun root an animal
uumajuqsiurvik noun root an area where wildlife is hunted 
uumajurniaqti noun root + affix/ending wildlife officer
uumanngat pronoun + ending from this one
uuminga pronoun + ending this person or thing (object of a verb)
uummalluktuq stem + verb ending He has a heart condition.
uummasijuq  noun root heart attack 
uummat noun root heart
uumunga pronoun + ending to this one
uunaq- adjective root something hot
uunaqsiti noun root tea kettle
uunnaq- verb root something that can cause a burn
uuppalliajuq verb root + affix/ending It cooks slowly.
uut- verb root to cook food; to get burnt
uutirnaq- verb root to have a fever
uutirnaqtunga verb root + affix/ending fever (I have a...)
uuttuq noun root basking seal
uuttuq- (uuktuq-) verb root to attempt to do something
uuttuqqitsaq noun root final cut of the pattern
uuttuut   noun root sewing pattern; ruler; measuring tape
uutunaq pronoun + ending like this one; similar to this one
uuvaarut noun root cb radio
uvaguk pronoun two of us
uvagut pronoun we (3+)
uvanga pronoun I; me
uvani location/position right here in this spot
uvani pronoun in this one; here
uvaniittuq location/position It is right here.
uvanngat location/position from this spot here
uvannut pronoun + ending to me
uvat- pronoun me
uvattik- pronoun the two of us
uvattinni pronoun at my place
uvattinnit (uvattingnit) pronoun + ending from the two of us; than the two of us
uvattit- pronoun us (3+)
uvattitut pronoun + ending like us