Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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illua (iglua) noun root the other one of a pair; the matching one 
illuarjuga noun root + affix/ending my little cousin
illuinnaaqtuut noun root gun
illuk- verb root to be snowblinded
illukitaaq- verb root to juggle
illukitaaqsinaaqtutik verb root + affix/ending at the same time they juggled, they...
illuli- verb root to build an iglu
Illulik noun root Iglulik (SQ pronunciation)
illuq noun root cousin (parents of the opposite sex)
illuralaaq noun root cabin
illuralaattinnut noun root + affix/ending to our cabin
illurusiq noun root bedroom
illuup qulaanittuq location/position It is above the house.
Illuup saanganiittuq. location/position It is at the front of the building.
Illuup tunuaniittuq location/position It is at the back of the house.
ilu- location/position inside
iluaniittuq location/position It is inside of something.
iluaq noun root underpants
iluiliq noun root mainland
ilulik noun root the contents of a container or object
iluliq noun root a great-grandchild
iluliqajaanngittuq stem + verb ending It is completely empty.
ilulli- verb root to dry something inside out
iluttuq He is snowblind.
iluunnasi pronoun all of you
iluviq noun root grave
imaak adverb like this; in this way
imaaq- verb root to fall into a body of water
imalik noun root + affix/ending it contains a liquid 
imanna pronoun this
imannailiurunnaqtutit stem + verb ending you can do this
imaq noun root water; sea
imaqaut noun root water bucket
imarmiutat   noun root sea mammals and fish
imigaksaq noun root juice
imigaq noun root pop; something to drink
imigaqtaqarunniiqtuq There is no more pop.
imigatsajaq noun root juice
imiq noun root drinking water
imiq- verb root to drink something
imiqqutailaq noun root Arctic tern
imiralavvik noun root bar
imirumavit? verb root + affix/ending Would you like some water?
imiut noun root a drinking glass
imiutikutaak noun root + affix/ending a tall glass
immak- verb root to be infected
immaqa adverb maybe
immatirniq stem + noun ending infection 
immiaq noun root water from melting ice or snow
immiri- verb root to play with water