Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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iqqanaijaq- verb root to work; to be employed
iqqanaijaqati stem + noun ending colleague; co-worker
iqqanaijaqti stem + noun ending employee
iqqaq- verb root to remember something with effort
iqqaqtiujaq noun root leather
iqqaqtuivik noun root courthouse
iqqaqtunga verb root + affix/ending I remember something (with some effort)
iqqauma- verb root to remember something
iqqummaq- verb root to wake up
iqsaq noun root (anatomy) temple
iqtiqsimajuq verb root (qulliq) lit from end to end
iqtuk  noun root colon 
iquq- verb root to wipe after defecating
iquutit noun root seaweed (frilly)
iquutitsaq noun root toilet paper
irngiinnaaq adverb immediately
irngiinnaaqtaut noun root e-mail
irngusikuluga noun root + affix/ending my favourite cup
irngusiq noun root cup; mug
irngutaq noun root grandchild
irni- verb root to give birth
irniq noun root a son
irnisuk- verb root to be in labour; to be about to give birth
irnisunniq stem + noun ending labour (pregnancy)
irnisutsii- verb root to assist with the delivery of a baby
irnisutsiiji noun root midwife
irraq noun root raincoat/ rainpants
irravit  noun root intestines 
irruq- verb root to rinse something
isaak- verb root to raise one's hand(s)
isigat  noun root foot; feet 
isigaujaak noun root shoes
isiq- verb root to enter
isiriut noun root button
isiriutiruluga piiqtuviniq This old button of mine came off.
isirvik stem + noun ending entrance
isivit- verb root to unfold
isivittaqtuq verb root + affix/ending It unfolds by itself.
isua location/position the end of something
isulut- verb root to end something
isuma- verb root to think
isumaaluk- verb root to worry
isumaalunaqunagik verb root + affix/ending not wanting to be worried
isumajunnailittiaqtunga exclamation I can’t think anymore. 
isuqtaq adjective root grey
isuqtuq noun root muddy unclear water
isuraqtujuq noun root lead dog (on a team)
iti- adjective root to be deep (water, etc.)
itijuq verb root + affix/ending The water is deep.
itimak noun root palm of the hand