Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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immuk noun root milk
imu- verb root to fold
imulluk noun root wrinkle
imuttaqtuq verb root + affix/ending It rolls up by itself.
inalunnaq  noun root appendix (anatomny)
ingiq  noun root pelvis 
ingirra- verb root to move; to be in motion
ingirraniq noun root (moving water) current
ingit- verb root to sit down
ingittit verb root + affix/ending Sit down! (command to 3+ people)
ingiulittuq verb root + affix/ending There are large swells.
ingiulittuq Iingiuliktuq) verb root + affix/ending large swells (ocean); rough waters
ingiullinngujuq verb root + affix/ending He is airsick or seasick during rough travel.
ingulaq- verb root to stir
ingut- verb root to mix ingredients
ingutsivik noun root bowl
ini noun root a place (general)
ini- verb root to hang something to dry
inijausimajuq verb root + affix/ending it has been hung to dry
iniliuq- verb root to make an appointment
iniliuqsimajuq stem + verb ending an appointment is made
inillak- verb root to climb into bed
inillassarniarattikku stem + verb ending we will prepare the bedding
initsaliuqsimajunga stem + verb ending I have an appointment.
initsaq (iniksaq) noun root appointment
inna (ingna) pronoun that one over there
innaaruq noun root cliff
innakkuvik noun root + affix/ending Elders' Centre
innaq noun root Elder
innaq- adjective root to be mature
innaqtiq- verb root to go to bed
innaqtiqtunga verb root + affix/ending I go to bed.
innauniqsaq adjective root + affix/ending somone who is older than somebody else
inngiq- verb root to sing
inngiqti noun root singer
inngiqti noun root singer
inngiqtuq verb root + affix/ending he/she sing
inngirusinga piugijara I like the way she sings.
inngirut noun root accordian
inngirut noun root accordion
inniaq noun root skin stretched to dry
inninga noun root (qulliq) ledge for the wick
inniq- verb root to stretch a skin to dry it
innirvik noun root drying rack for skins
inniutit noun root drying line
inugannguat noun root bones of the hands and toes
inujjirngaq noun root something coming from Inuit
inuk noun root person
inuksuk noun root piled or arranged stones to mark a place
Inuliriji noun root social worker