Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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kasapillaktara. verb root + affix/ending I accidently touched it for a bit.
katai- verb root to drop something
katak noun root snow house entrance
katak- verb root to fall from a height
katatsimajuq (kataksimajuq) verb root + affix/ending It is on the ground, having fallen.
katima- verb root to be in a meeting
katimaniarmata verb root + affix/ending because they will be in a meeting later
katimaqatigijunnaqqinga? verb root + affix/ending Can you meet with me?
katimmakainnalaaqtuapiujugut verb root + affix/ending we will all be together for a bit 
katit- verb root to gather as a group of people; to meet
katitau- verb root to get married
katsunga- (kattunga-, kassunga-) verb root to move slowly
katturiarit! verb root + affix/ending Slow down!
katujjiqatigiit noun root people working together; association
katuma pronoun of that one down there
katumani pronoun + ending in that one down there
katumanngat pronoun + ending from that one down there
katuminga pronoun + ending that one down there
katumunga pronoun + ending to that one down there
katumuuna pronoun + ending through that one down there
katutunaq pronoun + ending like that one down there
kautaq noun root hammer
kiak noun root heat of the sun
kiak- verb root to sweat
kiaksaut noun root stove; furnace
kiap interrogative Whose?
Kiap una? interrogative Whose is this?
kiasik noun root shoulder blade
kiati noun root blouse
kiatsaut noun root furnace
kiatsi- verb root to bleach a skin with hot water
kiattaq noun root dehaired sealskin
kigliq noun root the edge of something
kigunniaqti noun root dentist
kigut noun root tooth
kigutangirnat noun root blueberries
kii noun root key
kii(si)- verb root to bite
kiik- verb root to lock something
kiiksimajuq verb root + affix/ending It is locked.
kiinaq noun root face
kiinaujakkuvik noun root + affix/ending bank (also wallet)
kiinaujaksaq noun root a cheque
kiinaujaq noun root money
kiingiqsiqtunga stem + verb ending I lost my key.
kijjautiik noun root scissors
kikiasijjut stem + noun ending stapler
kikiatsijjut noun root stapler
kikkaq noun root bones with meat
kikkaq- verb root to feast on caribou bones