Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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masak noun root swampy ground; something that is saturated
masak- verb root to become saturated
masaktittanga verb root + affix/ending She soaks it.
matsa  noun root spleen 
mattaaq noun root skin of beluga/narwhal
mattaaq- verb root to remove one's jacket or shirt
mattusiq- verb root to put a bandage on someone
mattusiqtugu stem + verb ending Put a bandage on him/her
mattutisaja noun root bandage
mattutitsaq noun root bandage
matu noun root door; lid; cover
matu- verb root to close something
matuinga- adjective root to be open
matuingajuq verb root + affix/ending It is open; the open one
matuiq- verb root to open something
matuiqtajuut noun root cupboards
matuiqtaqtuq  stem + noun ending cupboard
matuma pronoun + ending of this one (object in motion, or in a general area)
matumani pronoun + ending in this one (object in motion, or in a general area)
matumanngat pronoun + ending from this one (object in motion, or in a general area)
matuminga pronoun + ending this one (object in motion, or in a general area)
matumunga pronoun + ending to this one (object in motion, or in a general area)
matumuuna pronoun + ending through this one (object in motion, or in a general area)
mau- verb root to fall though soft deep snow
mauja noun root soft deep snow
mauliq- verb root to hunt seals at their breathing holes
mauliqtuq verb root + affix/ending he hunts seals at their breathing holes
mauna location/position around here (general area)
maunak noun root finger tips
maunga location/position to this area here
miagguuq- verb root to howl
miguk- verb root to get dirty with meat or fat
miki- adjective root to be small
mikigaq noun root raw meat
mikigiaq noun root animal foot traps
mikigiarniaqti stem + noun ending trapper
mikijuq adverb it is small; the small one
mikiliraq noun root ring finger
mikit- adjective root to be small
mikittuq adjective root + affix/ending It is small; the small one
mikku (nikku) noun root dried meat
Miksiku noun root Mexico
milaarniq noun root fracture
milat noun root rings on seal skin or spots on narwhal
milluk- verb root to suck
miluq- verb root to hit something by throwing at it
miluqpaa verb root + affix/ending He hit it with a rock (bird, etc.)
mingunniq noun root + affix/ending tending to raw sealskins (scraping, cleaning, etc.)
mini- verb root to drizzle (rain)
miqquligiak noun root seal skin boots with fur