Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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nuvisimajut verb root + affix/ending They have been threaded.
nuvuja noun root cloud
nuvuja- verb root to be cloudy
nuvuk noun root point of land
paa noun root entrance; opening
paa- verb root to attack
paallak- verb root to stumble
paani location/position up there
paanngat location/position from that area up there
paasikatpaal noun root basketball
paati noun root a party
pagga! location/position There it is up there!
pai noun root five (borrowed from English)
pai- verb root to be left home alone
paiggaala noun root a gerry can; a gas can
paippaamuurijjut  noun root a printer
paippaaq noun root paper
pajuk- verb root send send an item to someone
pakkua pronoun those ones up there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
pakkuak pronoun those two up there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
pakkuktitunaq pronoun + ending like those two up there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
pakkunani pronoun + ending in those ones up there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
pakkunanngat pronoun + ending from those ones up there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
pakkungnunga pronoun + ending to those two up there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
pakkungnuuna pronoun + ending through those two up there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
pakkuninga pronoun + ending those ones up there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
pakkunnani (pakkungnani) pronoun + ending in those two up there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
pakkunnanngat (pakkungnanngat) pronoun + ending from those two up there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
pakkunninga (pakkungninga) pronoun + ending those two up there (objects in motion, or in a general area)
pakkununga pronoun + ending to those ones up there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
pakkunuuna pronoun + ending through those ones up there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
pakkutitunaq pronoun + ending like those ones up there (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
paksuma pronoun + ending that one up there (object in motion, or in a general area)
paksumani pronoun + ending in that one up there (object in motion, or in a general area)
paksumanngat pronoun + ending from that one up there (object in motion, or in a general area)
paksuminga pronoun + ending that one up there (object in motion, or in a general area)
paksumunga pronoun + ending to that one up there (object in motion, or in a general area)
paksumuuna pronoun + ending through that one up there (object in motion, or in a general area)
paksutunaq pronoun + ending like that one up there (object in motion, or in a general area)
palaq- verb root to have gotten better
palaugaaq noun root bannock
paliaq noun root a plate
paliisi noun root police
paliisikkut noun root Police Department
pana noun root snow knife
panaggilaaqtunga stem + verb ending I will bring a snow knife.
panik noun root daughter
paniq- adjective root to be dry
paniqsaut noun root clothes dryer
paniqtuq adjective root + affix/ending it is dry; the dry one