Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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qupirrisimajuq  noun root venereal disease 
quqsuqtaq adjective root yellow
quqtaqtujuq noun root a very thankful person
Qurluqtuq noun root Kugluktuk
qurlurniq noun root waterfall
qurrivik noun root uterus 
qurvik noun root toilet
qusu- verb root to hesitate
quttik- adjective root (location) to be high up
quttittuq adjective root a high place
qutturaq noun root thigh
qutturautiik noun root thigh warmers
qutuk noun root collar bone
quvajukkaaniq noun root over scraped whitened spots
quviagi- verb root to enjoy something
quvianaq exclamation This is great; fun.
quviasugialauqsimajunga stem + verb ending I went way for Christmas
quviasugiaq- verb root to travel at Christmas
Quviasugvik noun root Christmas
quviasuppunga (quviasukpunga) verb root + affix/ending I am happy.
quviasuvimmi noun root + affix/ending at Christmas
quviqtiq noun root cataract 
saa noun root table
saa- location/position at the front of
saalaksalauqtut verb root + affix/ending they won
saalaksaq- verb root to win
saalaksaqtut verb root + affix/ending They win.
saalasiaq noun root a bullied or mistreated person
Saali tununnut ijiqtuq. Charlie hid behid you.
saalisaq noun root apron
saaluqi noun root plywood
saangujaq noun root counter
saanniittuq location/position It is in front of me.
Saasikaasuan noun root Saskatchewan
saat- adjective root to be thin
saattugaq noun root a flat stone
saattuq adjective root + affix/ending a thin object 
saattuujaut noun root frying pan
saaviqatiga stem + noun ending the person I departed by boat with
saavit- verb root to launch a boat
saglullattaqtuq verb root + affix/ending He most certainly is lying.
saili- verb root to relax
sailittuarvingani stem + noun ending where he/she can relax
saimmati noun root flag
saimmatiqarvik noun root + affix/ending a flag pole
saipan noun root seven (borrowed from English)
sajugjuumijaktunga. verb root + affix/ending My body shakes come and go
sajuk- verb root to tremble
sakiaq noun root her husband’s sister; his wife’s brother