Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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saqqit- verb root to appear
sarliaq noun root a dog with pups
sassi noun root six (borrowed from English)
saumik noun root the left side
sauniinnaq  noun root skeleton
sauniq noun root bone
saunnirijuq  noun root flu; influenza 
saviggirunnaqtutit stem + verb ending You can bring your knife.
savik noun root knife
savikkuvik noun root grub box
saviraja noun root a qulliq made of metal
savvaq- verb root to put something on fire or burner to cook
savvasivvik noun root (stove) burner
savvik noun root chest
siammaq- verb root to shake hands
siarnaq   adjective root grey
siarrijautiik noun root skates; skis
siarrijautikutaak noun root a pair of skis
siggaliaq noun root cigarette
siggaliaqtuq- verb root to smoke
Siggaliaqtusuunguvit?  stem + verb ending Do you smoke?
sigguq noun root snout
siiliti noun root sharpening stone
siiqquaq noun root knee bone
siiqquq noun root knee
siirnaq- adjective root to be sweet
siirnaqtuq adjective root + affix/ending It is sweet; something sweet
siiruluk  noun root heartburn 
sijjaq noun root water's edge (land, ice)
sikituuq noun root snowmobile
sikkaatti noun root Scottish; a Scot
siksik noun root Arctic ground squirrel
siku noun root ice
sikuaq noun root a thin layer of newly formed ice
sikurlak noun root snow where only the surface is iced up and hard
sila noun root weather; outdoors
Sila piuppat. If the weather is good.
silailivallianiq  noun root Alzheimer’s Disease 
silaluk- verb root to rain; to have bad weather
silalulauqtillugu verb root + affix/ending while it was raining...
silapaaq noun root parka outer shell
silaqqiq- verb root to be clear skies
silaqqiqtuq verb root + affix/ending to be clear skies
silarjuaq noun root atmosphere
silarjuarmiunguqatigaluaminnik stem + noun ending things that live on this earth
silataa- location/position outside
silataannut location/position to the outside
silattuqsarvik noun root college
silatu- adjective root to be wise
silatujuq verb root + affix/ending He/she is wise.