Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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sivunni- verb root to sew the front of the seal skin boots
sivuraa– location/position in front of an object
sivuraq- location/position to be in front of something
sivuura- verb root to feel anxious
sivuurajuq   verb root + affix/ending he/she feels apprehensive about something
sivuuravit? verb root + affix/ending Are you feeling anxious?
sivuvasik- verb root to be early
sivuvasittut verb root + affix/ending They are early.
su- interrogative a root used to express the idea of an unspecified action: often used to ask what someone is doing
suak- verb root to scold someone
suappiuk? verb root + affix/ending Did you scold him/her?
sugiaqaq- verb root to have to do something; to have to take action
sujut- adjective root to be emotionally hurt
sukaittuq adjective root + affix/ending It is slow; the slow one
sukannaqtuq stem + verb ending something that will give you an electrical shock
sukaq noun root sugar
sukat- verb root 1. to make tight 2. to get an electric shock
sukka- adjective root to be fast
sukkait- adjective root to be slow
sukkajuq adjective root + affix/ending It is fast; the fast one
sukuttianut ? interrogative to where exactly?
sukuttiq? interrogative to which part?
sulataani location/position outside of something
suli adverb still; even now
Suli atuinnaunngilaq? verb root + affix/ending Is it still not ready?
suli- verb root to be truthful; to tell the truth
sulijjanngilatit verb root + affix/ending you are not telling the truth
sullu noun root pipe
sullukutaak noun root hallway
suluk noun root feather
suluraq noun root the tip of a whip
suluvittut verb root + affix/ending people dancing
summat? interrogative why?
suna? interrogative what?
sunamik (kisumik) uujuliurmat? verb root + affix/ending What meat is she boiling?
sungaq  noun root gall bladder 
sungiliq  noun root prostate
sunnait- verb root poor weather that makes travel impossible
sunnaittuq verb root + affix/ending stormy weather
sunnguujaq noun root bruise 
sunnirmat? interrogative what happened to him/her/it?
suputit noun root Arctic willow
supuujuq noun root camp stove
suqqaq noun root whale baleen
suqquiq- verb root to understand; to recognize
suqquiqtittijumavunga verb root + affix/ending I want to make it clear to others.
suragumaaqtuq silajjuaq The earth will end one day.
suraijuq  noun root miscarriage
surak- verb root to be broken; to be destroyed
surlukkuuqtuq noun root head cold