Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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qaajuq- verb root to find it too cold to do anything
qaanganiittuq location/position It is on top of him/her/it/them.
qaangiuti- verb root running late
qaangiutittaqpiaravit verb root + affix/ending you might be late
qaaq noun root the top layer
qaaq- location/position on top
qaaruviiqsijuq verb root + affix/ending she scrapes the membrane from a skin
qagaaq- verb root the motion of whitecaps forming on water
qagaaqtuq verb root + affix/ending There are whitecaps.
qai- verb root to come somewhere
qaigit verb root + affix/ending Come here !
qainnguq noun root a flat shelf of ice that forms along the shoreline
qaiqsugaaq noun root bedrock; land with smooth rock 
qaiqsuq noun root bedrock
qaiqu- verb root to invite someone
qaiqujaujut verb root + affix/ending They were invited.
qairak- verb root to be smooth on ground
qairulik noun root harp seal 
qaisi- verb root to come over
qaisijunga verb root + affix/ending I am coming over now
qajaq noun root kayak
qajjak- verb root to scrape fat off an animal skin
qajuq noun root broth 
qaksungaut noun root tie for an amaut
qakuqtaq adjective root white
qala- verb root to lay over someone
qalaaq- verb root to be boiling
qalak- verb root to take uujuq out of the pot to serve
qalasiq noun root belly button 
qalipaaksaq noun root outer parka material
qalipaaq noun root sweater
qaliralik noun root turbot
qaliriik noun root one on top of the other
qaliujaaqpait noun root roman orthography
qalliniq noun root top of the foot on a kamik
qalliqpaaq noun root one on the very top
qallu noun root eyebrow 
qallunaaq noun root a Caucasian
qalunaaqtaq noun root sewing material
qaluraut noun root shovel; fur scraper
qalurautituinnarmut noun root + affix/ending with only a shovel
qamaniq noun root widening within the river
Qamani’tuaq noun root Baker Lake
qaminnga- verb root to be turned off
qaminngajuq verb root + affix/ending It is turned off.
qamit- verb root to extinguish something; to turn off (an appliance, etc.)
qamutaujajuvisi stem + verb ending Did you go by snowmobile?
qamutaujaq noun root snowmobile
qamutiik noun root qamutiik; sled