Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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qataattiri- verb root to scrape the final membrane off seal skin
qatak- verb root to have diarrhea 
qatanngut noun root sibling
qatsimi? interrogative at what time
qatsimuuqqat utilaaqqit? What time will you come back?
qatsimuuqqat? interrogative at what time? (in the future)
qatsit (qattit; qassit) interrogative how many?
qatsit- (qattik-) adjective root to be in a high place; prominent
qatsungaut noun root tie for an amaut
qattaak noun root the breasts of a bird
qattaq noun root pail; cooking pot
Qattatuaq tigulugu! Take the pail only!
qattiriji noun root firefighter
qattirijikkut noun root + affix/ending Fire Department
qau- verb root when the day breaks
qauji- verb root to find something out
qaujikauqtuqtut verb root + affix/ending They found out quickly.
qaujima- verb root to know something
qaujima- verb root to know something
qaujimaaniktugut verb root + affix/ending We are already aware.
qaujimagiaq- verb root to be kept informed
qaujimava? verb root + affix/ending Does he/she know?
qaujimavak? verb root + affix/ending Do the two of them know?
qaujimavat? verb root + affix/ending Do they (3+) know?
qaujimavinuk? verb root + affix/ending Do the two of us know?
qaujimavisi? verb root + affix/ending Do you (3+) know?
qaujimavisik? verb root + affix/ending Do you (2) know?
qaujimavit? verb root + affix/ending Do you know?
qaujimavita? verb root + affix/ending Do we (3+) know?
qaujimavunga? verb root + affix/ending Do I know?
qaujisaq- verb root to research something
qaukpat noun root tomorrow
qauliut noun root kamiik stretcher 
qaulluqtuq adjective root white
qauma- verb root to be bright
qaumat noun root lights
qaummaqqut noun root lamp; light bulb
qauppat noun root tomorrow
qauq noun root forehead
qauq- verb root to peel off
qausiq- adjective root to be wet
qausiqtuq adjective root + affix/ending It is wet; the wet one
Qausuittuq noun root Resolute Bay
qavvik   noun root wolverine
qavviq- verb root to climb on; to raise it on to something
qia- verb root to cry
qialigaajuq verb root + affix/ending He/she is about to cry.
qiggiqtaq- verb root to jump
qigluk- verb root to feel sad over a loss of a possession
qiingijautit noun root tweezers