Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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qiniqqaugaluarakkik verb root + affix/ending even though I searched for the two of them
qinnguq   noun root space between the eyebrows
qinngut noun root scope; binoculars
qinni- verb root to cache meat
qinniq (qingniq) noun root cached meat
qinnisimajut verb root + affix/ending They were cached.
qinu noun root shattered thin ice
qinu- verb root to make a fuss
qinuaq noun root slush on water
qinujuittuq verb root + affix/ending (the infant) is never cranky.
qipiiqtuq stem + verb ending He took the blanket off.
qipik noun root blanket
qipinngirijuq noun root appendicitis 
qipinnguq noun root appendix (anatomny)
qiqinnikuujunga stem + verb ending I have frostbite.
qiqit- verb root to freeze a part of one's body; to be frostbitten
qiqsuqqangajuq noun root spring snow that softens during the day & freezes at night 
qirniq noun root black dog
qirniqtaq adjective root black
qisik noun root skin of a sea mammal 
qisikkuvik noun root + affix/ending a place where sealskins are stored
qissiri- verb root to work on seal skin
qisuk noun root fog that forms over open water in winter; “sea smoke"
qitiq noun root 1. middle 2. waist
qitiqpapaluttuq (qitiqpapaluktuq) stem + verb ending It’s almost half full; almost in the middle
qitiqtiq noun root middle finger
qitiraq- verb root to be half-way
Qitirmiut noun root Kitikmeot Region
qittainga- verb root to be alert; to be fully awake
qittainganngittunga verb root + affix/ending I am not fully awake
qittaiq- verb root to be alert; to be fully awake
qittiri- verb root to identify the midpoints
qitummak- verb root to soften sealskins
qitummaksaijuq verb root + affix/ending She is working on softening skins.
qiturngaq noun root child (refers only to one’s own children)
qiu- verb root to experience cold
qiujunga verb root + affix/ending I am cold.
Qiuluamut uulippasaalirama. verb root + affix/ending I am so cold that I’m even shivering now.
qiuqtaq- verb root to cut one's hair short
quagjulik   noun root glover needle
quait- verb root to slip
quajaqit- verb root to slip
quakkuvik noun root + affix/ending freezer
quaq noun root frozen meat
quaq- verb root to freeze something
quaqaut noun root fridge
quaqpaalliqtuq stem + verb ending It is more frozen now.
qui- verb root to urinate
quingilisaq stem + noun ending diaper
quini- adjective root to be fat