Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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quinijuq adjective root + affix/ending the fat person or animal 
quiqsuq- verb root to cough
quiqsurjuumijaktuq verb root + affix/ending Her coughs come in bouts.
quivasuk- verb root to be happy
qujali- verb root to feel thankful
qujalijuq verb root + affix/ending he/she feels thankful for something 
qujalinnaq   noun root Thanksgiving
qujannamiik noun root thank you
qujjaunnat noun root eel
qujjuk noun root white dog
qujjuq noun root white fur/hair
qukiq- verb root + affix/ending to shoot something
qukiqqiuk? (qukiqpiuk?) verb root + affix/ending Did you hit it?
qukiqtara verb root + affix/ending I hit it (rifle shot).
qukiut noun root rifle
qulaa noun root the top
qulaa- location/position to be above something
qulaani noun root noon
qulaaniittut location/position It is above him/her/it/them.
qulaanuuqqat stem + verb ending when it gets to noon/midnight
quli- location/position above
qulinni location/position above me.
qulinninngaaqtuq location/position It came from above me.
qulit noun root ten
qulittaq noun root caribou parka with fur outside 
qulittaujaq noun root parka
qulittaujatsaq   noun root duffle
quliunngigaqtut  noun root nine
qulliq noun root qulliq (seal oil lamp)
quluppaijuusi noun root a juggling song
qungagusunngittuq verb root + affix/ending He does not feel like smiling.
qungasiq noun root neck
qungasiruq noun root scarf; men’s tie 
qungat- verb root to smile
qungattuq verb root + affix/ending he/she smiles
qungiarullik noun root white/black furred neck
qunguliit noun root mountain sorrel
qunngiaq- verb root to watch
qunngiaqtaujuq verb root + affix/ending one who is being watched
qupanuaq noun root snow bunting
qupirrisimajuq  noun root venereal disease 
quqsuqtaq adjective root yellow
quqtaqtujuq noun root a very thankful person
Qurluqtuq noun root Kugluktuk
qurlurniq noun root waterfall
qurrivik noun root uterus 
qurvik noun root toilet
qusu- verb root to hesitate
quttik- adjective root (location) to be high up
quttittuq adjective root a high place