Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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nain noun root nine
nait- adjective root to be short
naittuq adjective root + affix/ending He/she/it is short; something short.
najak noun root sister of a male
najji- verb root to be pregnant
najjivit?  verb root + affix/ending Are you pregnant? 
najjuk   noun root antler
najuq- verb root to be in the company of someone; to stay with someone temporarily
nakasuk  noun root bladder 
nakat- verb root to break in half; to sever
nakataq noun root an object set up as a target
nakataq- verb root to throw rocks at a target
nakatauniq  stem + noun ending amputation 
nakit? interrogative from where?
naksaq- (natsaq-; nassaq-) verb root to carry something somewhere
naksiuti- verb root to send something
nakurmiik exclamation thank you
nalaa location/position in its vicinity
nalaa- location/position something that is along a direct line between a person and a fixed point
nalaani location/position towards or in the direction of something that is along a stright line
Naliak pijumavit? interrogative Which one do you want?
naliak? interrogative which one?
Nalianni ippiarjummi? in which pocket?
nalimut- verb root to be at the same level or hight
nallaq- verb root to lie down
nalli- (nagli-) verb root to feel love
nalligijanga verb root + affix/ending He loves her.
nalligusunnaq noun root Valentine’s day 
nalligusuttuq (nagligusuktuq) verb root + affix/ending he/she feels love
nallikitaq- verb root to take turns
nalliut- verb root to come to an anniversary
Nalliutisuuq maimi. noun root + affix/ending She has her birthday in May.
nalu- verb root to not know; to be unsure of something
naluak noun root white seal skin boots without fur
naluk- verb root to dive into the water
nalulirama verb root + affix/ending I’m confused/I don’t know what to do now
nalunaiq- verb root to make something clear; understood
nalusaaqtuq verb root + affix/ending It just dove down into the water
nami (nani) ? interrogative where?
Nami iqqanaijaqqit? verb root + affix/ending Where do you work?
namiippit? location/position Where are you?
nammagaaq noun root knapsack
nammak- (nangmak-) verb root to carry something on one's back
namminiq adverb by one's self
nangiaq- verb root to be afraid of something dangerous
nangiarnaq stem + noun ending a situation that causes fear (e.g. thin ice)
nangiq- verb root to stand
nani(si)- verb root to find something
naniruut noun root lantern
nanniaq- to hunt polar bear