Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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nigiq- verb root south wind
nigiqtuq verb root + affix/ending There is a south wind.
niglinaqtukkuvik noun root refrigerator
nijjaajut noun root music
nijjaajut noun root music 
nijjausijaq- verb root to play music (as a musician)
nijjausijaqti noun root musician
nijjausijaqtut verb root + affix/ending They play music. 
nikku (mikku) noun root dried meat
nikkuguktut stem + verb ending They are craving dried caribou meat.
niksigialik verb root + affix/ending You have to hook it.
niksik- verb root to hook something
nikuvit- verb root to stand up
nikuvittariaksaq uluriagijara I am afraid to stand up straight.
nilak noun root fresh water ice used for drinking water
niliq- verb root to pass gas
nillasuk- (niglasuk-) verb root to be cold weather
nillasuviutimmat verb root + affix/ending because it is very cold out
nillia- verb root to make continuous sound
nilliq- verb root to make a sound
nillirajuittuq verb root + affix/ending He/she is very quiet.
nimak- verb root to be rolling in pain
nimiq noun root string/cord for tying; hair tie
ningauk noun root son-in-law; also brother-in-law of a male 
ningiq- verb root to get a share of some meat; to bring meat home from someone else's catch
ningiqtuq verb root + affix/ending he gets a share of the meat; he brings meat home from someone else’s catch
ningiuq noun root grandmother/old woman
ninngak- verb root to become angry
ninngaumajunga verb root + affix/ending I am angry. 
ninngu- verb root to be thick; to be difficult to break
ninniuq- verb root to be fully crowded
nipi noun root sound; voice
nipi- verb root (sun, moon, stars) to be out of view; to have set
nipiliuq- verb root to make a recording
nipiliurunnaqtutit stem + verb ending You can leave a message
nipit- verb root to stick together (two surfaces)
nipitittinasuktuq verb root + affix/ending He is trying to glue or tape something.
niqaiq- verb root to run out of food
niqaiqsijuq verb root + affix/ending He/she ran out of food.
niqi noun root food; meat
niqtiuq- verb root to cook
niqtiuqtuq verb root + affix/ending He/she is cooking.
niri- verb root to eat
niriliqtaq noun root uvula
niriuk- verb root to hope for something
niriunnanngittuq verb root + affix/ending something unexpected
nirivigjuaq- verb root to feast
nirivigjuaqłutik verb root + affix/ending while they were feasting...
nirivijjuaq (nirivigjuaq) noun root community feast
nirjut noun root animal