Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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nanniaqtuq verb root + affix/ending he is hunting polar bear
nannuk- verb root to catch a polar bear
nannukautigijuq verb root + affix/ending He caught a polar bear right away.
nanuq noun root polar bear
nanuraq noun root polar bear fur
napaaq- verb root to be upright
napaaqtuq noun root a tree
napi- verb root (bone) to break
nappaq- verb root to put upright
napu noun root wooden cross-bar of qamutiik
naqit- verb root to press on something
naqittaqtuq noun root snaps (clothing) 
naqittaut noun root keyboard 
naqsaq noun root valley 
nariaq noun root bait
nasaggirlutit stem + verb ending Bring your hat.
nasaq noun root hat
nasaruvaaq noun root scarf (kercheif) 
nassarlugit verb root + affix/ending bring them
nassiutiniaqtara verb root + affix/ending I will send it.
nataqqurnaq noun root hail
natiq noun root floor
natiraq noun root carpet
natiruviaq- verb root drifting snow
natsaq- (naksaq-; nassaq-) verb root to carry something somewhere
natsiminiq noun root + affix/ending seal meat
natsiq (nattiq) noun root ringed seal
natsiq- (nattiq-) verb root to catch a seal
Natsiqsimalluta sijjamut tulalauqtugut. Having caught some seals, we went to shore.
natsiqtuq verb root + affix/ending He caught a seal.
natsirasugiuqtuq verb root + affix/ending He is going seal hunting for the first time.
natsirasuk- (nattirasuk-) verb root to go seal hunting
natsirmik pilattuq (nattirmik pilaktuq) He butchers a seal.
Nattilik noun root coast between Kugaaruk & Gjoa Haven 
nattivak noun root hooded seal 
naugli (naulli) interrogative where is...?
nauglikiaq interrogative I wonder where ... Is?
nauja noun root seagull
Naujaat noun root Naujaat
naukkut? interrogative through where?/by what means?
naulik- verb root to hit with a harpoon
naulikiarngai interrogative I wonder
naulli (naugli)? interrogative Where is…?
niaqaujaliurut noun root bread pan
niaqaujaqsiut noun root bread knife
Niaqunnguut noun root Apex
Niaqunnguut ungataaniittuq. It is on the other side of Apex; beyond Apex
niaqunngu  noun root headache 
niaquq noun root head
nigiq noun root south